Visualization Classes - API¶
SlicePicker API¶
(image_in, view_set=(0, 1, 2), num_slices=(10, ), sampler='linear', min_density=0.01)[source]¶ Bases:
Class to pick non-empty slices along the various dimensions for a given image.
- The term slice here refers to one cross-section in a 3D image,
- towards which this class is designed for. However there are no explicit restrictions placed on dicing N=4+ array and receiving a n-1 dim array.
Class to pick non-empty slices along the various dimensions for a given image.
Parameters: image_in : ndarray
3D array to be sliced. there are no explicit restrictions placed on number of dimensions for image_in,
to get a n-1 dim array, but appropriate reshaping may need to be performed.
view_set : iterable
List of integers selecting the dimesnions to be sliced.
num_slices : int or iterable of size as view_set
Number of slices to be selected in each view.
sampler : str or list or callable
selection strategy: to identify the type of sampling done to select the slices to return. All sampling is done between the first and last non-empty slice in that view/dimension.
if ‘linear’ : linearly spaced slices
- if list, it is treated as set of percentages at which slices to be sampled
(must be in the range of [1-100], not [0-1]). This could be used to more/all slices in the middle e.g. range(40, 60, 5)
or at the end e.g. [ 5, 10, 15, 85, 90, 95]
- if callable, it must take a 2D image of arbitray size, return True/False
to indicate whether to select that slice or not. Only non-empty slices (atleas one non-zero voxel) are provided as input. Simple examples for callable could be based on 1) percentage of non-zero voxels > x etc 2) presence of desired texture ? 3) certain properties of distribution (skewe: dark/bright, energy etc) etc
- If the sampler returns more than requested num_slices,
only the first num_slices will be selected.
min_density : float or None
mininum density of non-zero voxels within a given slice to consider it non-empty Default: 0.01 (1%). if None, include all slices.
()[source]¶ Returns indices for the slices selected (each a tuple : (dim, slice_num))
(extended=False)[source]¶ Generator over all the slices selected, each time returning a cross-section.
Parameters: extended : bool
- Flag to return just slice data (default, extended=False), or
return a tuple of axis, slice_num, slice_data (extended=True)
Returns: slice_data : an image (just slice data, default, with extended=False), or
a tuple of axis, slice_num, slice_data (extended=True)
(image_list, extended=False)[source]¶ Returns the same cross-section from the multiple images supplied.
All images must be of the same shape as the original image defining this object.
Parameters: image_list : Iterable
containing atleast 2 images
extended : bool
- Flag to return just slice data (default, extended=False), or
return a tuple of axis, slice_num, slice_data (extended=True)
Returns: tuple_slice_data : tuple of one slice from each image in the input image list
Let’s denote it by as TSL.
if extended=True, returns tuple(axis, slice_num, TSL)
(gif_path, duration=0.25)[source]¶ Package the selected slices into a single GIF for easy sharing and display (on web etc).
You must install imageio module separately to use this feature.
Parameters: gif_path : str
Output path for the GIF image
duration : float
Duration of display of each frame in GIF, in sec.
MiddleSlicePicker API¶
(image)[source]¶ Bases:
Convenience class to select the classic one middle slice from all views.
Returns the middle slice from all views in the image.
Parameters: attach_image : ndarray
The image to be attached to the collage, once it is created. Must be atleast 3d.
Collage API¶
(view_set=(0, 1, 2), num_rows=2, num_slices=(10, ), sampler='linear', attach_image=None, bounding_rect=(0.02, 0.02, 0.98, 0.98), fig=None, figsize=(14, 10), display_params=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- Class exhibiting multiple slices from a 3D image,
- with convenience routines handling all the cross-sections as a single set.
Class exhibiting multiple slices from a 3D image, with convenience routines handling all the cross-sections as a single set.
- Once created with certain display_params (containing vmin and vmax),
- this class does NOT automatically rescale the data, as you attach different images. Ensure the input images are rescaled to [0, 1] BEFORE attaching.
Parameters: view_set : iterable
List of integers selecting the dimesnions to be sliced.
num_slices : int or iterable of size as view_set
Number of slices to be selected in each view.
num_rows : int
Number of rows per view.
sampler : str or list or callable
selection strategy to identify the type of sampling done to select the slices to return. All sampling is done between the first and last non-empty slice in that view/dimension.
if ‘linear’ : linearly spaced slices
- if list, it is treated as set of percentages at which slices to be sampled
(must be in the range of [1-100], not [0-1]). This could be used to more/all slices in the middle e.g. range(40, 60, 5)
or at the end e.g. [ 5, 10, 15, 85, 90, 95]
- if callable, it must take a 2D image of arbitray size, return True/False
to indicate whether to select that slice or not. Only non-empty slices (atleas one non-zero voxel) are provided as input. Simple examples for callable could be based on 1) percentage of non-zero voxels > x etc 2) presence of desired texture ? 3) certain properties of distribution (skewe: dark/bright, energy etc) etc
- If the sampler returns more than requested num_slices,
only the first num_slices will be selected.
attach_image : ndarray
The image to be attached to the collage, once it is created. Must be atleast 3d.
display_params : dict
dict of keyword parameters that can be passed to matplotlib’s Axes.imshow()
fig : matplotlib.Figure
figure handle to create the collage in. If not specified, creates a new figure.
figsize : tuple of 2
Figure size (width, height) in inches.
bounding_rect : tuple of 4
The rectangular area to bind the collage to (in normalized figure coordinates)
(image_in, sampler=None, show=True)[source]¶ Attaches the relevant cross-sections to each axis.
Parameters: attach_image : ndarray
The image to be attached to the collage, once it is created. Must be atleast 3d.
sampler : str or list or callable
selection strategy: to identify the type of sampling done to select the slices to return. All sampling is done between the first and last non-empty slice in that view/dimension.
if ‘linear’ : linearly spaced slices
- if list, it is treated as set of percentages at which slices to be sampled
(must be in the range of [1-100], not [0-1]). This could be used to more/all slices in the middle e.g. range(40, 60, 5)
or at the end e.g. [ 5, 10, 15, 85, 90, 95]
- if callable, it must take a 2D image of arbitray size, return True/False
to indicate whether to select that slice or not. Only non-empty slices (atleas one non-zero voxel) are provided as input. Simple examples for callable could be based on 1) percentage of non-zero voxels > x etc 2) presence of desired texture ? 3) certain properties of distribution (skewe: dark/bright, energy etc) etc
- If the sampler returns more than requested num_slices,
only the first num_slices will be selected.
show : bool
Flag to request immediate display of collage
(grid=None)[source]¶ Removes the collage from view.
Parameters: grid : int or None
index (into original
) to which grid/view needs to be hidden
(annot=None, output_path=None)[source]¶ Saves the collage to disk as an image.
Parameters: annot : str
text to annotate the figure with a super title
output_path : str
path to save the figure to. Note: any spaces in the filename will be replace with
(grid=None)[source]¶ Makes the collage visible.
Parameters: grid : int or None
index (into original
) to which grid/view needs to be hidden
(image_list, func, show=True)[source]¶ - Displays the transformed (combined) version of the cross-sections from each image,
(same slice and dimension). So if you input n>=1 images, n slices are obtained from each image, which are passed to the func (callable) provided, and the result will be displayed in the corresponding cell of the collage. Useful applications: - input two images, a function to overlay edges of one image on the other - input two images, a function to mix them in a checkerboard pattern - input one image, a function to saturate the upper half of intensities
(to increase contrast and reveal any subtle ghosting in slices)- func must be able to receive as many arguments as many elements in image_list.
- if your func needs additional parameters, make them keyword arguments, and use functools.partial to obtain a new callable that takes in just the slices.
Parameters: image_list : list or ndarray
list of images or a single ndarray
func : callable
- function to be applied on the input images (their slices)
to produce a single slice to be displayed.
show : bool
flag to indicate whether make the collage visible.
MidCollage API¶
(image, bounding_rect=(0.02, 0.02, 0.98, 0.98), fig=None, display_params=None)[source]¶ Bases:
Convenience class to display the mid-slices from all the views.
Display mid-slices from all the views.
- image : ndarray
- The image to be attached to the collage, once it is created. Must be atleast 3d.
- fig : matplotlib.Figure
- figure handle to create the collage in. If not specified, creates a new figure.
- bounding_rect : tuple of 4
- The rectangular area to bind the collage to (in normalized figure coordinates)
- display_params : dict
- dict of keyword parameters that can be passed to matplotlib’s Axes.imshow()
Carpet API¶
(image_nD, fixed_dim=-1, roi_mask='auto', rescale_data=True, num_frames_to_skip=2)[source]¶ Bases:
Class to unroll the 4D or higher dimensional data into 2D images.
Typical examples include functional or diffusion MRI data.
This class can optionally,
- can cluster data in the fixed dimension (typically time/gradient dimensions in functional/diffusion MR imaging data)
- label the resulting clusters.
Parameters: image_nD : ndarray or str
input image, or a path to an image, from which the carpet needs to be made.
fixed_dim : int
the dimension to be fixed while unrolling the rest. Default: last as indicated by -1
roi_mask : ndarray or str or None
if an image of same size as the N-1 dim array, it is interpreted to be a mask to be applied to each 3D/(N-1)D volume If its ‘auto’, an auto background (zeros) mask is computed and removed If its None, all the voxels in original image are retained
rescale_data : bool
Whether to rescale the input image over the chosen fixed_dim Default is to rescale to maximize the contrast.
num_frames_to_skip : int
number of frames to skip displaying to avoid pixel decimation on screen. Choose a number such that to get a total ~600-1000 vertical lines to display.
(roi_mask=None, num_clusters_per_roi=5, metric='minkowski')[source]¶ Clusters the data within all the ROIs specified in a mask.
Parameters: roi_mask : ndarray or None
volumetric mask defining the list of ROIs, with a label for each voxel. This must be the same size in all dimensions except the fixed_dim i.e. if you were making a Carpet from an fMRI image of size 125x125x90x400 fixing the 4th dimension (of size 400), then roi_mask must be of size 125x125x90.
num_clusters_per_roi : int
number of clusters (n) to form each ROI specified in the roi_mask if n (say 20) is less than number of voxels per a given ROI (say 2000), then data from approx. 2000/20=100 voxels would summarized (averaged by default), into a single cluster. So if the ROI mask had m ROIs (say 10), then the final clustered carpet would have m*n rows (200), regardless of the number of voxels in the 3D image.
metric : str
distance metric for the hierarchical clustering algorithm; default : ‘minkowski’ Options: anything accepted by scipy.spatial.distance.pdist, which can be: ‘braycurtis’, ‘canberra’, ‘chebyshev’, ‘cityblock’, ‘correlation’, ‘cosine’, ‘dice’, ‘euclidean’, ‘hamming’, ‘jaccard’, ‘kulsinski’, ‘mahalanobis’, ‘matching’, ‘minkowski’, ‘rogerstanimoto’, ‘russellrao’, ‘seuclidean’, ‘sokalmichener’, ‘sokalsneath’, ‘sqeuclidean’, ‘yule’.
(output_path=None, title=None)[source]¶ Saves the current figure with carpet visualization to disk.
Parameters: output_path : str
Path to where the figure needs to be saved to.
title : str
text to overlay and annotate the visualization (done via plt.suptitle())
(clustered=False, ax_carpet=None, label_x_axis='time point', label_y_axis='voxels/ROI')[source]¶ Displays the carpet in the given axis.
Parameters: clustered : bool, optional
Flag to indicate whether to show the clustered/reduced carpet or the original. You must run .cluster_rows_in_roi() before trying to show clustered carpet.
ax_carpet : Axis, optional
handle to a valid matplotlib Axis
label_x_axis : str
String label for the x-axis of the carpet
label_y_axis : str
String label for the y-axis of the carpet
Returns: ax_carpet : Axis
handle to axis where carpet is shown