Source code for mrivis.base

__all__ = ['SlicePicker', 'Collage', 'Carpet']

import traceback
import warnings
from collections import Iterable

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.image import AxesImage
from mrivis import config as cfg
from mrivis.utils import check_num_slices, check_views, load_image_from_disk, \
    row_wise_rescale, save_figure

[docs]class SlicePicker(object): """ Class to pick non-empty slices along the various dimensions for a given image. The term `slice` here refers to one cross-section in a 3D image, towards which this class is designed for. However there are no explicit restrictions placed on dicing N=4+ array and receiving a n-1 dim array. """ def __init__(self, image_in, view_set=cfg.view_set_default, num_slices=cfg.num_slices_default, sampler=cfg.sampler_default, min_density=cfg.min_density_default): """ Class to pick non-empty slices along the various dimensions for a given image. Parameters ---------- image_in : ndarray 3D array to be sliced. there are no explicit restrictions placed on number of dimensions for image_in, to get a n-1 dim array, but appropriate reshaping may need to be performed. view_set : iterable List of integers selecting the dimesnions to be sliced. num_slices : int or iterable of size as view_set Number of slices to be selected in each view. sampler : str or list or callable selection strategy: to identify the type of sampling done to select the slices to return. All sampling is done between the first and last non-empty slice in that view/dimension. - if 'linear' : linearly spaced slices - if list, it is treated as set of percentages at which slices to be sampled (must be in the range of [1-100], not [0-1]). This could be used to more/all slices in the middle e.g. range(40, 60, 5) or at the end e.g. [ 5, 10, 15, 85, 90, 95] - if callable, it must take a 2D image of arbitray size, return True/False to indicate whether to select that slice or not. Only non-empty slices (atleas one non-zero voxel) are provided as input. Simple examples for callable could be based on 1) percentage of non-zero voxels > x etc 2) presence of desired texture ? 3) certain properties of distribution (skewe: dark/bright, energy etc) etc If the sampler returns more than requested `num_slices`, only the first num_slices will be selected. min_density : float or None mininum density of non-zero voxels within a given slice to consider it non-empty Default: 0.01 (1%). if None, include all slices. """ if len(image_in.shape) < 3: raise ValueError('Image must be atleast 3D') else: self._image = image_in self._check_min_density(min_density) self._image_shape = np.array(self._image.shape) self.view_set = check_views(view_set, max_views=len(self._image_shape)) self.num_slices = check_num_slices(num_slices, img_shape=self._image_shape[self.view_set], num_dims=len(self.view_set)) self._verify_sampler(sampler) self._pick_slices() # creates self._slices def _verify_sampler(self, sampler): if isinstance(sampler, str): sampler = sampler.lower() if sampler not in ['linear', ]: raise ValueError('Sampling strategy: {} not implemented.'.format(sampler)) self._sampler = sampler self._sampling_method = 'linear' elif isinstance(sampler, Iterable): if any([index < 0 or index > 100 for index in sampler]): raise ValueError('sampling percentages must be in [0-100]% range') if len(sampler) > min(self.num_slices): self.num_slices = np.maximum(self.num_slices, len(sampler)) self._sampler = np.array(sampler) self._sampling_method = 'percentage' elif callable(sampler): # checking if the callable returns a bool for view in self.view_set: middle_slice = int(self._image_shape[view] / 2) if not isinstance(sampler(self._get_axis(self._image, view, middle_slice)), bool): raise ValueError('sampler callable must return a boolean value (True/False)') self._sampler = sampler self._sampling_method = 'callable' else: raise NotImplementedError('Invalid choice for sampler! Choose one of: ' 'linear, percentage or callable') def _check_min_density(self, min_density): """Validator to ensure proper usage.""" if min_density is None: self._min_density = -np.Inf elif (isinstance(min_density, float) and (0.0 <= min_density < 1.0)): self._min_density = min_density else: raise ValueError('min_density must be float and be >=0.0 and < 1.0') def _pick_slices(self): """ Picks the slices to display in each dimension/view, skipping any empty slices (without any data at all). """ self._slices = list() self._slices_by_dim = list() for view, ns_in_view in zip(self.view_set, self.num_slices): # discarding completely empty or almost empty slices. dim_size = self._image_shape[view] non_empty_slices = np.array([sl for sl in range(dim_size) if self._not_empty(view, sl)]) # sampling according to the chosen strategy slices_dim = self._sample_slices_in_dim(view, ns_in_view, non_empty_slices) # the following loop is needed to preserve order, while eliminating duplicates # list comprehension over a set(slices_dim) wouldn't preserve order uniq_slices = list() for sn in slices_dim: if (0 <= sn < dim_size) and sn not in uniq_slices: uniq_slices.append(sn) self._slices_by_dim.append(slices_dim) # adding view and slice # at the same time.. self._slices.extend([(view, sn) for sn in slices_dim]) def _not_empty(self, view, slice_): """Checks if the density is too low. """ img2d = self._get_axis(self._image, view, slice_) return (np.count_nonzero(img2d) / img2d.size) > self._min_density def _sample_slices_in_dim(self, view, num_slices, non_empty_slices): """Samples the slices in the given dimension according the chosen strategy.""" if self._sampling_method == 'linear': return self._linear_selection(non_empty_slices=non_empty_slices, num_slices=num_slices) elif self._sampling_method == 'percentage': return self._percent_selection(non_empty_slices=non_empty_slices) elif self._sampling_method == 'callable': return self._selection_by_callable(view=view, non_empty_slices=non_empty_slices, num_slices=num_slices) else: raise NotImplementedError('Invalid state for the class!') def _linear_selection(self, non_empty_slices, num_slices): """Selects linearly spaced slices in given""" num_non_empty = len(non_empty_slices) # # trying to skip 5% slices at the tails (bottom clipping at 0) # skip_count = max(0, np.around(num_non_empty * 0.05).astype('int16')) # # only when possible # if skip_count > 0 and (num_non_empty - 2 * skip_count > num_slices): # non_empty_slices = non_empty_slices[skip_count: -skip_count] # num_non_empty = len(non_empty_slices) sampled_indices = np.linspace(0, num_non_empty, num=min(num_non_empty, num_slices), endpoint=False) slices_in_dim = non_empty_slices[np.around(sampled_indices).astype('int64')] return slices_in_dim def _percent_selection(self, non_empty_slices): """Chooses slices at a given percentage between the first and last non-empty slice.""" return np.around(self._sampler * len(non_empty_slices) / 100).astype('int64') def _selection_by_callable(self, view, num_slices, non_empty_slices): """Returns all the slices selected by the given callable.""" selected = [sl for sl in non_empty_slices if self._sampler(self._get_axis(self._image, view, sl))] return selected[:num_slices] def _get_axis(self, array, axis, slice_num, extended=False, transpose=True): """Returns a fixed axis""" slice_list = [slice(None)] * array.ndim slice_list[axis] = slice_num slice_data = array[tuple(slice_list)] if transpose: # for proper orientation slice_data = slice_data.T if not extended: # return just the slice data return slice_data else: # additionally include which dim and which slice num return axis, slice_num, slice_data
[docs] def get_slice_indices(self): """Returns indices for the slices selected (each a tuple : (dim, slice_num))""" return self._slices
[docs] def get_slices(self, extended=False): """Generator over all the slices selected, each time returning a cross-section. Parameters ---------- extended : bool Flag to return just slice data (default, extended=False), or return a tuple of axis, slice_num, slice_data (extended=True) Returns ------- slice_data : an image (just slice data, default, with extended=False), or a tuple of axis, slice_num, slice_data (extended=True) """ for dim, slice_num in self._slices: yield self._get_axis(self._image, dim, slice_num, extended=extended)
[docs] def get_slices_multi(self, image_list, extended=False): """Returns the same cross-section from the multiple images supplied. All images must be of the same shape as the original image defining this object. Parameters ---------- image_list : Iterable containing atleast 2 images extended : bool Flag to return just slice data (default, extended=False), or return a tuple of axis, slice_num, slice_data (extended=True) Returns ------- tuple_slice_data : tuple of one slice from each image in the input image list Let's denote it by as TSL. if extended=True, returns tuple(axis, slice_num, TSL) """ # ensure all the images have the same shape for img in image_list: if img.shape != self._image.shape: raise ValueError('Supplied images are not compatible with this class. ' 'They must have the shape: {}'.format(self._image_shape)) for dim, slice_num in self._slices: multiple_slices = (self._get_axis(img, dim, slice_num) for img in image_list) if not extended: # return just the slice data yield multiple_slices else: # additionally include which dim and which slice num # not using extended option in get_axis, to avoid complicating unpacking yield dim, slice_num, multiple_slices
[docs] def save_as_gif(self, gif_path, duration=0.25): """Package the selected slices into a single GIF for easy sharing and display (on web etc). You must install imageio module separately to use this feature. Parameters ---------- gif_path : str Output path for the GIF image duration : float Duration of display of each frame in GIF, in sec. """ import imageio gif_data = [img for img in self.get_slices()] # using img.astype(np.uint32) is leaving noticable artefacts, # depending on imageio inner conversion, which is rescaling okay # TODO deal with differing sizes of slices, padding with zeros or white?? with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ignoring the warning for conversion to uint8 warnings.simplefilter('ignore') imageio.mimsave(gif_path, gif_data, duration=duration)
def __iter__(self): """Returns the next panel, and the associated dimension and slice number""" return iter(self._slices) def __len__(self): """Returns the total number of slices across all the views.""" return len(self._slices) def __format__(self, format_spec='s'): """various formats""" if format_spec in ['s', 'simple']: return self.__str__() elif format_spec in ['f', 'full']: return self.__repr__() else: return 'invalid format requsted!!' def __str__(self): return 'views : {}\n' \ '#slices: {}\n' \ 'sampler: {}'.format(self.view_set, self.num_slices, self._sampling_method) def __repr__(self): dim_repr = list() for ix, vw in enumerate(self.view_set): dim_repr.append('{} slices in dim {} : ' '{}'.format(len(self._slices_by_dim[ix]), vw, self._slices_by_dim[ix])) return '\n'.join(dim_repr)
[docs]class MiddleSlicePicker(SlicePicker): """Convenience class to select the classic one middle slice from all views.""" def __init__(self, image): """Returns the middle slice from all views in the image. Parameters ----------- attach_image : ndarray The image to be attached to the collage, once it is created. Must be atleast 3d. """ super().__init__(image_in=image, view_set=cfg.view_set_default, num_slices=1, sampler=(50,), )
[docs]class Collage(object): """ Class exhibiting multiple slices from a 3D image, with convenience routines handling all the cross-sections as a single set. """ def __init__(self, view_set=cfg.view_set_default, num_rows=cfg.num_rows_per_view_default, num_slices=cfg.num_slices_default, sampler=cfg.sampler_default, attach_image=None, bounding_rect=cfg.bounding_rect_default, fig=None, figsize=cfg.figsize_default, display_params=None, ): """ Class exhibiting multiple slices from a 3D image, with convenience routines handling all the cross-sections as a single set. Once created with certain `display_params` (containing vmin and vmax), this class does NOT automatically rescale the data, as you attach different images. Ensure the input images are rescaled to [0, 1] BEFORE attaching. Parameters ---------- view_set : iterable List of integers selecting the dimesnions to be sliced. num_slices : int or iterable of size as view_set Number of slices to be selected in each view. num_rows : int Number of rows per view. sampler : str or list or callable selection strategy to identify the type of sampling done to select the slices to return. All sampling is done between the first and last non-empty slice in that view/dimension. - if 'linear' : linearly spaced slices - if list, it is treated as set of percentages at which slices to be sampled (must be in the range of [1-100], not [0-1]). This could be used to more/all slices in the middle e.g. range(40, 60, 5) or at the end e.g. [ 5, 10, 15, 85, 90, 95] - if callable, it must take a 2D image of arbitray size, return True/False to indicate whether to select that slice or not. Only non-empty slices (atleas one non-zero voxel) are provided as input. Simple examples for callable could be based on 1) percentage of non-zero voxels > x etc 2) presence of desired texture ? 3) certain properties of distribution (skewe: dark/bright, energy etc) etc If the sampler returns more than requested `num_slices`, only the first num_slices will be selected. attach_image : ndarray The image to be attached to the collage, once it is created. Must be atleast 3d. display_params : dict dict of keyword parameters that can be passed to matplotlib's `Axes.imshow()` fig : matplotlib.Figure figure handle to create the collage in. If not specified, creates a new figure. figsize : tuple of 2 Figure size (width, height) in inches. bounding_rect : tuple of 4 The rectangular area to bind the collage to (in normalized figure coordinates) """ self.view_set = check_views(view_set, max_views=3) self.num_slices = check_num_slices(num_slices, img_shape=None, num_dims=len(self.view_set)) # TODO find a way to validate the input-- using utits.verify_sampler commonly? self.sampler = sampler if display_params is None: self.display_params = dict(interpolation='none', origin='lower', aspect='equal', cmap='gray', vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) else: self.display_params = display_params self._make_layout(fig, figsize, num_rows, bounding_rect=bounding_rect) if attach_image is not None: self.attach(attach_image) else: self._data_attached = False def _make_layout(self, fig, figsize=cfg.figsize_default, num_rows_per_view=cfg.num_rows_per_view_default, bounding_rect=cfg.bounding_rect_default, grid_pad=cfg.grid_pad_default, axis_pad=cfg.axis_pad_default, **axis_kwargs):'dark_background') if fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) else: self.fig = fig total_num_rows = len(self.view_set) * num_rows_per_view total_num_panels = sum(self.num_slices) num_cols_per_row = int(np.ceil(total_num_panels / total_num_rows)) left, bottom, width, height = bounding_rect avail_height = height - bottom num_views = len(self.view_set) height_each_view = (avail_height - num_views * grid_pad) / num_views effective_height_each_view = height_each_view + grid_pad self.grids = list() for ix, view in enumerate(self.view_set): rect = (left, bottom + ix * effective_height_each_view, width, height_each_view) ax_grid = self._make_grid_of_axes(bounding_rect=rect, axis_pad=axis_pad, num_rows=num_rows_per_view, num_cols=num_cols_per_row, **axis_kwargs) self.grids.append(ax_grid) # flattened for easy access self.flat_grid = [ax for gg in self.grids for ax in gg] # create self.images with one image in each axis self._create_imshow_objects() def _make_grid_of_axes(self, bounding_rect=cfg.bounding_rect_default, num_rows=cfg.num_rows_per_view_default, num_cols=cfg.num_cols_grid_default, axis_pad=cfg.axis_pad_default, commn_annot=None, **axis_kwargs): """Creates a grid of axes bounded within a given rectangle.""" axes_in_grid = list() extents = self._compute_cell_extents_grid(bounding_rect=bounding_rect, num_cols=num_cols, num_rows=num_rows, axis_pad=axis_pad) for cell_ext in extents: ax_cell = self.fig.add_axes(cell_ext, frameon=False, visible=False, **axis_kwargs) if commn_annot is not None: ax_cell.set_title(commn_annot) ax_cell.set_axis_off() axes_in_grid.append(ax_cell) return axes_in_grid @staticmethod def _compute_cell_extents_grid(bounding_rect=(0.03, 0.03, 0.97, 0.97), num_rows=2, num_cols=6, axis_pad=0.01): """ Produces array of num_rows*num_cols elements each containing the rectangular extents of the corresponding cell the grid, whose position is within bounding_rect. """ left, bottom, width, height = bounding_rect height_padding = axis_pad * (num_rows + 1) width_padding = axis_pad * (num_cols + 1) cell_height = float((height - height_padding) / num_rows) cell_width = float((width - width_padding) / num_cols) cell_height_padded = cell_height + axis_pad cell_width_padded = cell_width + axis_pad extents = list() for row in range(num_rows - 1, -1, -1): for col in range(num_cols): extents.append((left + col * cell_width_padded, bottom + row * cell_height_padded, cell_width, cell_height)) return extents def _create_imshow_objects(self): """Turns off all the x and y axes in each Axis""" # uniform values for initial image can cause weird behaviour with normalization # as imshow.set_data() does not automatically update the normalization!! # using random data is a better choice random_image = np.random.rand(20, 20) self.images = [None] * len(self.flat_grid) for ix, ax in enumerate(self.flat_grid): self.images[ix] = ax.imshow(random_image, **self.display_params)
[docs] def show(self, grid=None): """Makes the collage visible. Parameters ---------- grid : int or None index (into original ``view_set``) to which grid/view needs to be hidden """ self._set_visible(True, grid_index=grid)
[docs] def attach(self, image_in, sampler=None, show=True): """Attaches the relevant cross-sections to each axis. Parameters ---------- attach_image : ndarray The image to be attached to the collage, once it is created. Must be atleast 3d. sampler : str or list or callable selection strategy: to identify the type of sampling done to select the slices to return. All sampling is done between the first and last non-empty slice in that view/dimension. - if 'linear' : linearly spaced slices - if list, it is treated as set of percentages at which slices to be sampled (must be in the range of [1-100], not [0-1]). This could be used to more/all slices in the middle e.g. range(40, 60, 5) or at the end e.g. [ 5, 10, 15, 85, 90, 95] - if callable, it must take a 2D image of arbitray size, return True/False to indicate whether to select that slice or not. Only non-empty slices (atleas one non-zero voxel) are provided as input. Simple examples for callable could be based on 1) percentage of non-zero voxels > x etc 2) presence of desired texture ? 3) certain properties of distribution (skewe: dark/bright, energy etc) etc If the sampler returns more than requested `num_slices`, only the first num_slices will be selected. show : bool Flag to request immediate display of collage """ if len(image_in.shape) < 3: raise ValueError('Image must be atleast 3D') # allowing the choice of new sampling for different invocations. if sampler is None: temp_sampler = self.sampler else: temp_sampler = sampler slicer = SlicePicker(image_in=image_in, view_set=self.view_set, num_slices=self.num_slices, sampler=temp_sampler) try: for img_obj, slice_data in zip(self.images, slicer.get_slices()): img_obj.set_data(slice_data) except: self._data_attached = False raise ValueError('unable to attach the given image data to current collage') else: self._data_attached = True # show all the axes if show:
[docs] def transform_and_attach(self, image_list, func, show=True): """ Displays the transformed (combined) version of the cross-sections from each image, (same slice and dimension). So if you input n>=1 images, n slices are obtained from each image, which are passed to the func (callable) provided, and the result will be displayed in the corresponding cell of the collage. Useful applications: - input two images, a function to overlay edges of one image on the other - input two images, a function to mix them in a checkerboard pattern - input one image, a function to saturate the upper half of intensities (to increase contrast and reveal any subtle ghosting in slices) func must be able to receive as many arguments as many elements in image_list. if your func needs additional parameters, make them keyword arguments, and use functools.partial to obtain a new callable that takes in just the slices. Parameters ----------- image_list : list or ndarray list of images or a single ndarray func : callable function to be applied on the input images (their slices) to produce a single slice to be displayed. show : bool flag to indicate whether make the collage visible. """ if not callable(func): raise TypeError('func must be callable!') if not isinstance(image_list, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(image_list, np.ndarray): image_list = [image_list, ] if len(image_list) > 1: shape1 = image_list[0].shape for ii in range(1, len(image_list)): if image_list[ii].shape != shape1: raise ValueError('All images must be of same shape!') if len(image_list[ii].shape) < 3: raise ValueError('All images must be atleast 3D') slicer = SlicePicker(image_in=image_list[0], view_set=self.view_set, num_slices=self.num_slices) try: for img_obj, slice_list in zip(self.images, slicer.get_slices_multi(image_list)): img_obj.set_data(func(*slice_list)) except: self._data_attached = False raise ValueError('unable to attach mix of given images to current collage') else: self._data_attached = True # show all the axes if show:
[docs] def hide(self, grid=None): """Removes the collage from view. Parameters ---------- grid : int or None index (into original ``view_set``) to which grid/view needs to be hidden """ self._set_visible(False, grid_index=grid)
def _set_visible(self, visibility, grid_index=None): """Sets the visibility property of all axes.""" if grid_index is None: for ax in self.flat_grid: ax.set_visible(visibility) else: if grid_index < 0 or grid_index >= len(self.grids): raise IndexError('Valid indices : 0 to {}'.format(len(self.grids) - 1)) for ax in self.grids[grid_index]: ax.set_visible(visibility)
[docs] def save(self, annot=None, output_path=None): """Saves the collage to disk as an image. Parameters ----------- annot : str text to annotate the figure with a super title output_path : str path to save the figure to. Note: any spaces in the filename will be replace with ``_`` """ if annot is not None: self.fig.suptitle(annot, backgroundcolor='black', color='g') if output_path is not None: output_path = output_path.replace(' ', '_') # TODO improve bbox calculations to include ONLY the axes from collage # and nothing else self.fig.savefig(output_path + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200, bbox_extra_artists=self.flat_grid)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears all the axes to start fresh.""" for ax in self.flat_grid: for im_h in ax.findobj(AxesImage): im_h.remove()
[docs]class MidCollage(Collage): """Convenience class to display the mid-slices from all the views.""" def __init__(self, image, bounding_rect=cfg.bounding_rect_default, fig=None, display_params=None, ): """Display mid-slices from all the views. image : ndarray The image to be attached to the collage, once it is created. Must be atleast 3d. fig : matplotlib.Figure figure handle to create the collage in. If not specified, creates a new figure. bounding_rect : tuple of 4 The rectangular area to bind the collage to (in normalized figure coordinates) display_params : dict dict of keyword parameters that can be passed to matplotlib's `Axes.imshow()` """ super().__init__(view_set=cfg.view_set_default, num_rows=1, num_slices=1, sampler=(50, ), attach_image=image, fig=fig, bounding_rect=bounding_rect, display_params=display_params)
[docs]class Carpet(object): """Class to unroll the 4D or higher dimensional data into 2D images. Typical examples include functional or diffusion MRI data. """ def __init__(self, image_nD, fixed_dim=-1, roi_mask='auto', rescale_data=True, num_frames_to_skip=2, ): """ Constructor This class can optionally, - can cluster data in the fixed dimension (typically time/gradient dimensions in functional/diffusion MR imaging data) - label the resulting clusters. Parameters ---------- image_nD : ndarray or str input image, or a path to an image, from which the carpet needs to be made. fixed_dim : int the dimension to be fixed while unrolling the rest. Default: last as indicated by -1 roi_mask : ndarray or str or None if an image of same size as the N-1 dim array, it is interpreted to be a mask to be applied to each 3D/(N-1)D volume If its 'auto', an auto background (zeros) mask is computed and removed If its None, all the voxels in original image are retained rescale_data : bool Whether to rescale the input image over the chosen `fixed_dim` Default is to rescale to maximize the contrast. num_frames_to_skip : int number of frames to skip displaying to avoid pixel decimation on screen. Choose a number such that to get a total ~600-1000 vertical lines to display. """ self._check_image(image_nD) self._add_fixed_dim(fixed_dim) self._make_carpet(rescale_data) self._apply_mask(roi_mask) # choosing mean over median to make it sensitive to outlier values, if any self._summary_func = np.mean self._carpet_clustered = False # TODO option to blur within ROIs, to improve contrast across ROIs? # blurring/additional image processing must be left to classes inheriting from this # TODO reorder rows either using anatomical seg, or using clustering # dropping alternating voxels if it gets too big # to save on memory and avoid losing signal if self.carpet.shape[1] > 600 and isinstance(num_frames_to_skip, int): print('Too many frames (n={}) to display: ' 'keeping every {}th frame' ''.format(self.carpet.shape[1], num_frames_to_skip)) self.carpet = self.carpet[:, ::num_frames_to_skip] def _check_image(self, image_nD): """Sanity checks on the image data""" self.input_image = load_image_from_disk(image_nD) if len(self.input_image.shape) < 3: raise ValueError('Input image must be atleast 3D') if np.count_nonzero(self.input_image) == 0: raise ValueError('Input image is completely filled with zeros! ' 'Must be non-empty') def _add_fixed_dim(self, fixed_dim=-1): """Makes note of which dimension needs to be fixed, defaulting to last.""" if fixed_dim in [-1, None, 'last']: fixed_dim = len(self.input_image.shape) - 1 # last dimension if int(fixed_dim)!=fixed_dim or \ fixed_dim > len(self.input_image.shape) or \ fixed_dim < -1: raise ValueError('invalid value for the dimension to be fixed!' 'Must be an integer in range [0, {}] inclusive' ''.format(len(self.input_image.shape))) if self.input_image.shape[fixed_dim] < 2: raise ValueError('Input image must have atleast two samples ' 'in the fixed dimension. It has {}. ' 'Full image shape: {} ' ''.format(self.input_image.shape[fixed_dim], self.input_image.shape)) self.fixed_dim = int(fixed_dim) def _make_carpet(self, rescale_data): """ Constructs the carpet from the input image. Optional rescaling of the data. """ self.carpet = self._unroll_array(self.input_image, self.fixed_dim) if rescale_data: self.carpet = row_wise_rescale(self.carpet) @staticmethod def _unroll_array(array, fixed_dim): """reshape a given ndarray fixing a chosen dimension (rest gets 'unrolled').""" return array.reshape(-1, array.shape[fixed_dim])
[docs] def show(self, clustered=False, ax_carpet=None, label_x_axis='time point', label_y_axis='voxels/ROI'): """ Displays the carpet in the given axis. Parameters ---------- clustered : bool, optional Flag to indicate whether to show the clustered/reduced carpet or the original. You must run .cluster_rows_in_roi() before trying to show clustered carpet. ax_carpet : Axis, optional handle to a valid matplotlib Axis label_x_axis : str String label for the x-axis of the carpet label_y_axis : str String label for the y-axis of the carpet Returns ------- ax_carpet : Axis handle to axis where carpet is shown """ if clustered is True and self._carpet_clustered is False: print('You must run .cluster_rows_in_roi() ' 'before being able to show clustered carpet!') return if ax_carpet is None: self.ax_carpet = plt.gca() else: if not isinstance(ax_carpet, Axes): raise ValueError('Input must be a valid matplotlib Axis!') self.ax_carpet = ax_carpet self.fig = plt.gcf() # vmin/vmax are controlled, because we rescale all to [0, 1] self.imshow_params_carpet = dict(interpolation='none', cmap='gray', aspect='auto', origin='lower', zorder=1) # should we control vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0 ?? if not clustered: self.carpet_handle = self.ax_carpet.imshow(self.carpet, **self.imshow_params_carpet) else: self.carpet_handle = self.ax_carpet.imshow(self.clustered_carpet, **self.imshow_params_carpet) # TODO decorating axes with labels self.ax_carpet.set(xlabel=label_x_axis, ylabel=label_y_axis, frame_on=False) self.ax_carpet.set_ylim(auto=True) return self.ax_carpet
[docs] def save(self, output_path=None, title=None): """Saves the current figure with carpet visualization to disk. Parameters ---------- output_path : str Path to where the figure needs to be saved to. title : str text to overlay and annotate the visualization (done via plt.suptitle()) """ try: save_figure(self.fig, output_path=output_path, annot=title) except: print('Unable to save the figure to disk! \nException: ') traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def cluster_rows_in_roi(self, roi_mask=None, num_clusters_per_roi=5, metric='minkowski'): """Clusters the data within all the ROIs specified in a mask. Parameters ---------- roi_mask : ndarray or None volumetric mask defining the list of ROIs, with a label for each voxel. This must be the same size in all dimensions except the fixed_dim i.e. if you were making a Carpet from an fMRI image of size 125x125x90x400 fixing the 4th dimension (of size 400), then roi_mask must be of size 125x125x90. num_clusters_per_roi : int number of clusters (n) to form each ROI specified in the roi_mask if n (say 20) is less than number of voxels per a given ROI (say 2000), then data from approx. 2000/20=100 voxels would summarized (averaged by default), into a single cluster. So if the ROI mask had m ROIs (say 10), then the final clustered carpet would have m*n rows (200), regardless of the number of voxels in the 3D image. metric : str distance metric for the hierarchical clustering algorithm; default : 'minkowski' Options: anything accepted by `scipy.spatial.distance.pdist`, which can be: ‘braycurtis’, ‘canberra’, ‘chebyshev’, ‘cityblock’, ‘correlation’, ‘cosine’, ‘dice’, ‘euclidean’, ‘hamming’, ‘jaccard’, ‘kulsinski’, ‘mahalanobis’, ‘matching’, ‘minkowski’, ‘rogerstanimoto’, ‘russellrao’, ‘seuclidean’, ‘sokalmichener’, ‘sokalsneath’, ‘sqeuclidean’, ‘yule’. """ self._set_roi_mask(roi_mask) try: clusters = [self._summarize_in_roi(self.roi_mask == label, num_clusters_per_roi, metric=metric) for label in self.roi_list] self.clustered_carpet = np.vstack(clusters) except: print('unable to produce the clustered carpet - exception:') traceback.print_exc() self._carpet_clustered = False else: self._carpet_clustered = True
def _set_roi_mask(self, roi_mask): """Sets a new ROI mask.""" if isinstance(roi_mask, np.ndarray): # not (roi_mask is None or roi_mask=='auto'): self._verify_shape_compatibility(roi_mask, 'ROI set') self.roi_mask = roi_mask self.roi_list = np.unique(roi_mask.flatten()) np.setdiff1d(self.roi_list, cfg.background_value) else: self.roi_mask = np.ones(self.carpet.shape[:-1]) # last dim is self.fixed_dim already self.roi_list = [1, ] # to allow for iteration def _summarize_in_roi(self, label_mask, num_clusters_per_roi=1, metric='minkowski'): """returns a single row summarizing (typically via mean) all rows in an ROI.""" this_label = self.carpet[label_mask.flatten(), :] if num_clusters_per_roi == 1: out_matrix = self._summary_func(this_label, axis=0) else: out_matrix = self._make_clusters(this_label, num_clusters_per_roi, metric) return out_matrix def _make_clusters(self, matrix, num_clusters_per_roi, metric): """clusters a given matrix by into specified number of clusters according to given metric""" from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fclusterdata # maxclust needed to ensure t is interpreted as # clusters in heirarchical clustering group_ids = fclusterdata(matrix, metric=metric, t=num_clusters_per_roi, criterion='maxclust') group_set = np.unique(group_ids) clusters = [ self._summary_func(matrix[group_ids == group, :], axis=0, keepdims=True) for group in group_set] return np.vstack(clusters).squeeze() def _apply_mask(self, roi_mask): """Removes voxels outside the given mask or ROI set.""" # TODO ensure compatible with input image # - must have < N dim and same size in moving dims. rows_to_delete = list() # to allow for additional masks to be applied in the future if isinstance(roi_mask, np.ndarray): # not (roi_mask is None or roi_mask=='auto'): self._set_roi_mask(roi_mask) rows_roi = np.where(self.roi_mask.flatten() == cfg.background_value) # TODO below would cause differences in size/shape across mask and carpet! self.carpet = np.delete(self.carpet, rows_roi, axis=0) else: self.roi_mask = np.ones(self.carpet.shape) def _verify_shape_compatibility(self, img, img_type): """Checks mask shape against input image shape.""" if self.input_image.shape[:-1] != img.shape: raise ValueError('Shape of the {} ({}) is not compatible ' 'with input image shape: {} ' ''.format(img_type, img.shape, self.input_image.shape[:-1])) def __str__(self): """Helpful repr""" return "Carpet {}".format(self.carpet.shape) def __repr__(self): return "Orig image: {}\n" \ "Carpet {}".format(self.input_image.shape, self.carpet.shape)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass