Alignment check - API¶
A tutorial-like presentation is available at Alignment check - usage, using the following API:
Top-level package for mrivis.
(img_spec1=None, img_spec2=None, patch_size=10, view_set=(0, 1, 2), num_slices=(10, ), num_rows=2, rescale_method='global', background_threshold=0.05, annot=None, padding=5, output_path=None, figsize=None)[source]¶ Checkerboard mixer.
Parameters: img_spec1 : str or nibabel image-like object
MR image (or path to one) to be visualized
img_spec2 : str or nibabel image-like object
MR image (or path to one) to be visualized
patch_size : int or list or (int, int) or None
size of checker patch (either square or rectangular) If None, number of voxels/patch are chosen such that,
there will be 7 patches through the width/height.
view_set : iterable
Integers specifying the dimensions to be visualized. Choices: one or more of (0, 1, 2) for a 3D image
num_slices : int or iterable of size as view_set
number of slices to be selected for each view Must be of the same length as view_set,
each element specifying the number of slices for each dimension. If only one number is given, same number will be chosen for all dimensions.
num_rows : int
number of rows (top to bottom) per each of 3 dimensions
rescale_method : bool or str or list or None
Range to rescale the intensity values to Default: ‘global’, min and max values computed based on ranges from both images. If false or None, no rescaling is done (does not work yet).
background_threshold : float or str
A threshold value below which all the background voxels will be set to zero. Default : 0.05. Other option is a string specifying a percentile: ‘5%’, ‘10%’. Specify None if you don’t want any thresholding.
annot : str
Text to display to annotate the visualization
padding : int
number of voxels to pad around each panel.
output_path : str
path to save the generate collage to.
figsize : list
Size of figure in inches to be passed on to plt.figure() e.g. [12, 12] or [20, 20]
Returns: fig : figure handle
handle to the collage figure generated.
(img_spec1=None, img_spec2=None, abs_value=True, cmap='gray', overlay_image=False, overlay_alpha=0.8, num_rows=2, num_cols=6, rescale_method='global', background_threshold=0.05, annot=None, padding=5, output_path=None, figsize=None)[source]¶ Voxel-wise difference map.
Parameters: img_spec1 : str or nibabel image-like object
MR image (or path to one) to be visualized
img_spec2 : str or nibabel image-like object
MR image (or path to one) to be visualized
abs_value : bool
Flag indicating whether to take the absolute value of the diffenence or not. Default: True, display absolute differences only (so order of images does not matter)
Colormap to show the difference values.
overlay_image : bool
Flag to specify whether to overlay the difference values on the original image. .. note: This feature is not reliable and supported well yet.
num_rows : int
number of rows (top to bottom) per each of 3 dimensions
num_cols : int
number of panels (left to right) per row of each dimension.
rescale_method : bool or str or list or None
Range to rescale the intensity values to Default: ‘global’, min and max values computed based on ranges from both images. If false or None, no rescaling is done (does not work yet).
background_threshold : float or str
A threshold value below which all the background voxels will be set to zero. Default : 0.05. Other option is a string specifying a percentile: ‘5%’, ‘10%’. Specify None if you don’t want any thresholding.
annot : str
Text to display to annotate the visualization
padding : int
number of voxels to pad around each panel.
output_path : str
path to save the generate collage to.
figsize : list
Size of figure in inches to be passed on to plt.figure() e.g. [12, 12] or [20, 20]
Returns: fig : figure handle
handle to the collage figure generated.
(img_spec1=None, img_spec2=None, alpha_channels=None, color_space='rgb', view_set=(0, 1, 2), num_slices=(10, ), num_rows=2, rescale_method='global', background_threshold=0.05, annot=None, padding=5, output_path=None, figsize=None)[source]¶ Color mixer, where each image is represented with a different color (default: red and green) in color channels.
Parameters: img_spec1 : str or nibabel image-like object
MR image (or path to one) to be visualized
img_spec2 : str or nibabel image-like object
MR image (or path to one) to be visualized
alpha_channels : (float, float)
weights for red and green channels in the composite image. Default: [1, 1]
color_space : str
type of color space to mix the images in. Currently supports ‘rgb’ only. Support for ‘hsv’ coming later.
view_set : iterable
Integers specifying the dimensions to be visualized. Choices: one or more of (0, 1, 2) for a 3D image
num_slices : int or iterable of size as view_set
number of slices to be selected for each view Must be of the same length as view_set,
each element specifying the number of slices for each dimension. If only one number is given, same number will be chosen for all dimensions.
num_rows : int
number of rows (top to bottom) per each of 3 dimensions
rescale_method : bool or str or list or None
Range to rescale the intensity values to Default: ‘global’, min and max values computed based on ranges from both images. If false or None, no rescaling is done (does not work yet).
background_threshold : float or str
A threshold value below which all the background voxels will be set to zero. Default : 0.05. Other option is a string specifying a percentile: ‘5%’, ‘10%’. Specify None if you don’t want any thresholding.
annot : str
Text to display to annotate the visualization
padding : int
number of voxels to pad around each panel.
output_path : str
path to save the generate collage to.
figsize : list
Size of figure in inches to be passed on to plt.figure() e.g. [12, 12] or [20, 20]
Returns: fig : figure handle
handle to the collage figure generated.
Helpers and Utility scripts¶
(image_in, exclude_outliers_below=False, exclude_outliers_above=False)[source]¶ Scale the two images to [0, 1] based on min/max from both.
Parameters: image_in : ndarray
Input image
exclude_outliers_{below,above} : float
Lower/upper limit, a value between 0 and 100.
Returns: scaled_image : ndarray
clipped and/or scaled image
(matrix)[source]¶ Row-wise rescale of a given matrix.
For fMRI data (num_voxels x num_time_points), this would translate to voxel-wise normalization over time.
Parameters: matrix : ndarray
Input rectangular matrix, typically a carpet of size num_voxels x num_4th_dim, 4th_dim could be time points or gradients or other appropriate
Returns: normed : ndarray
normalized matrix
(img, bkground_thresh, bkground_value=0.0)[source]¶ Thresholds a given image at a value or percentile.
Replacement value can be specified too.
Parameters: image_in : ndarray
Input image
bkground_thresh : float
a threshold value to identify the background
bkground_value : float
a value to fill the background elements with. Default 0.
Returns: thresholded_image : ndarray
thresholded and/or filled image