Source code for mrivis.workflow

mrivis: Tools to comapre the similarity of two 3d images (structural, functional or parametric maps)

Options include checker board, red green mixer and voxel-wise difference maps.

from functools import partial

from mrivis.base import Collage
from mrivis.color_maps import get_freesurfer_cmap
from mrivis.utils import _diff_image, check_params, check_patch_size, crop_image, \
    crop_to_extents, crop_to_seg_extents, get_axis, pick_slices, read_image, scale_0to1, \

__all__ = ['checkerboard', 'color_mix', 'voxelwise_diff', 'collage']

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, colors, cm
import matplotlib as mpl

[docs]def checkerboard(img_spec1=None, img_spec2=None, patch_size=10, view_set=(0, 1, 2), num_slices=(10,), num_rows=2, rescale_method='global', background_threshold=0.05, annot=None, padding=5, output_path=None, figsize=None, ): """ Checkerboard mixer. Parameters ---------- img_spec1 : str or nibabel image-like object MR image (or path to one) to be visualized img_spec2 : str or nibabel image-like object MR image (or path to one) to be visualized patch_size : int or list or (int, int) or None size of checker patch (either square or rectangular) If None, number of voxels/patch are chosen such that, there will be 7 patches through the width/height. view_set : iterable Integers specifying the dimensions to be visualized. Choices: one or more of (0, 1, 2) for a 3D image num_slices : int or iterable of size as view_set number of slices to be selected for each view Must be of the same length as view_set, each element specifying the number of slices for each dimension. If only one number is given, same number will be chosen for all dimensions. num_rows : int number of rows (top to bottom) per each of 3 dimensions rescale_method : bool or str or list or None Range to rescale the intensity values to Default: 'global', min and max values computed based on ranges from both images. If false or None, no rescaling is done (does not work yet). background_threshold : float or str A threshold value below which all the background voxels will be set to zero. Default : 0.05. Other option is a string specifying a percentile: '5%', '10%'. Specify None if you don't want any thresholding. annot : str Text to display to annotate the visualization padding : int number of voxels to pad around each panel. output_path : str path to save the generate collage to. figsize : list Size of figure in inches to be passed on to plt.figure() e.g. [12, 12] or [20, 20] Returns ------- fig : figure handle handle to the collage figure generated. """ img_one, img_two = _preprocess_images(img_spec1, img_spec2, rescale_method=rescale_method, bkground_thresh=background_threshold, padding=padding) display_params = dict(interpolation='none', aspect='auto', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) mixer = partial(_checker_mixer, checker_size=patch_size) collage = Collage(view_set=view_set, num_slices=num_slices, num_rows=num_rows, figsize=figsize, display_params=display_params) collage.transform_and_attach((img_one, img_two), func=mixer), annot=annot) return collage
[docs]def color_mix(img_spec1=None, img_spec2=None, alpha_channels=None, color_space='rgb', view_set=(0, 1, 2), num_slices=(10,), num_rows=2, rescale_method='global', background_threshold=0.05, annot=None, padding=5, output_path=None, figsize=None, ): """ Color mixer, where each image is represented with a different color (default: red and green) in color channels. Parameters ---------- img_spec1 : str or nibabel image-like object MR image (or path to one) to be visualized img_spec2 : str or nibabel image-like object MR image (or path to one) to be visualized alpha_channels : (float, float) weights for red and green channels in the composite image. Default: [1, 1] color_space : str type of color space to mix the images in. Currently supports 'rgb' only. Support for 'hsv' coming later. view_set : iterable Integers specifying the dimensions to be visualized. Choices: one or more of (0, 1, 2) for a 3D image num_slices : int or iterable of size as view_set number of slices to be selected for each view Must be of the same length as view_set, each element specifying the number of slices for each dimension. If only one number is given, same number will be chosen for all dimensions. num_rows : int number of rows (top to bottom) per each of 3 dimensions rescale_method : bool or str or list or None Range to rescale the intensity values to Default: 'global', min and max values computed based on ranges from both images. If false or None, no rescaling is done (does not work yet). background_threshold : float or str A threshold value below which all the background voxels will be set to zero. Default : 0.05. Other option is a string specifying a percentile: '5%', '10%'. Specify None if you don't want any thresholding. annot : str Text to display to annotate the visualization padding : int number of voxels to pad around each panel. output_path : str path to save the generate collage to. figsize : list Size of figure in inches to be passed on to plt.figure() e.g. [12, 12] or [20, 20] Returns ------- fig : figure handle handle to the collage figure generated. """ if alpha_channels is None: alpha_channels = [1, 1] if not len(alpha_channels) == 2: # not sure if we should make them sum to 1: or not np.isclose(sum(alpha_channels), 1.0) raise ValueError('Alpha must be two elements') mixer_params = dict(alpha_channels=alpha_channels, color_space=color_space) fig = _compare(img_spec1, img_spec2, num_rows=num_rows, num_cols=num_slices, mixer='color_mix', annot=annot, padding=padding, rescale_method=rescale_method, bkground_thresh=background_threshold, output_path=output_path, figsize=figsize, **mixer_params) return fig
[docs]def voxelwise_diff(img_spec1=None, img_spec2=None, abs_value=True, cmap='gray', overlay_image=False, overlay_alpha=0.8, num_rows=2, num_cols=6, rescale_method='global', background_threshold=0.05, annot=None, padding=5, output_path=None, figsize=None): """ Voxel-wise difference map. Parameters ---------- img_spec1 : str or nibabel image-like object MR image (or path to one) to be visualized img_spec2 : str or nibabel image-like object MR image (or path to one) to be visualized abs_value : bool Flag indicating whether to take the absolute value of the diffenence or not. Default: True, display absolute differences only (so order of images does not matter) Colormap to show the difference values. overlay_image : bool Flag to specify whether to overlay the difference values on the original image. .. note: This feature is not reliable and supported well yet. num_rows : int number of rows (top to bottom) per each of 3 dimensions num_cols : int number of panels (left to right) per row of each dimension. rescale_method : bool or str or list or None Range to rescale the intensity values to Default: 'global', min and max values computed based on ranges from both images. If false or None, no rescaling is done (does not work yet). background_threshold : float or str A threshold value below which all the background voxels will be set to zero. Default : 0.05. Other option is a string specifying a percentile: '5%', '10%'. Specify None if you don't want any thresholding. annot : str Text to display to annotate the visualization padding : int number of voxels to pad around each panel. output_path : str path to save the generate collage to. figsize : list Size of figure in inches to be passed on to plt.figure() e.g. [12, 12] or [20, 20] Returns ------- fig : figure handle handle to the collage figure generated. """ if not isinstance(abs_value, bool): abs_value = bool(abs_value) mixer_params = dict(abs_value=abs_value, cmap=cmap, overlay_image=overlay_image, overlay_alpha=overlay_alpha) fig = _compare(img_spec1, img_spec2, num_rows=num_rows, num_cols=num_cols, mixer='voxelwise_diff', annot=annot, padding=padding, rescale_method=rescale_method, bkground_thresh=background_threshold, output_path=output_path, figsize=figsize, **mixer_params) return fig
def _compare(img_spec1, img_spec2, num_rows=2, num_cols=6, mixer='checker_board', rescale_method='global', annot=None, padding=5, bkground_thresh=0.05, output_path=None, figsize=None, **kwargs): """ Produces checkerboard comparison plot of two 3D images. Parameters ---------- img_spec1 : str or nibabel image-like object MR image (or path to one) to be visualized img_spec2 : str or nibabel image-like object MR image (or path to one) to be visualized num_rows : int number of rows (top to bottom) per each of 3 dimensions num_cols : int number of panels (left to right) per row of each dimension. mixer : str type of mixer to produce the comparison figure. Options: checker_board, color_mix, diff_abs, rescale_method : bool or str or list or None Method to rescale the intensity values to. Choices : 'global', 'each', False or None. Default: 'global', min and max values computed based on ranges from both images. If 'each', rescales each image separately to [0, 1]. This option is useful when overlaying images with very different intensity ranges e.g. from different modalities altogether. If False or None, no rescaling is done (does not work yet). annot : str Text to display to annotate the visualization padding : int number of voxels to pad around each panel. output_path : str path to save the generate collage to. figsize : list Size of figure in inches to be passed on to plt.figure() e.g. [12, 12] or [20, 20] kwargs : dict Additional arguments specific to the particular mixer e.g. alpha_channels = [1, 1] for the color_mix mixer Returns ------- """ num_rows, num_cols, padding = check_params(num_rows, num_cols, padding) img1, img2 = check_images(img_spec1, img_spec2, bkground_thresh=bkground_thresh) img1, img2 = crop_to_extents(img1, img2, padding) num_slices_per_view = num_rows * num_cols slices = pick_slices(img2, num_slices_per_view) rescale_images, img1, img2, min_value, max_value = check_rescaling(img1, img2, rescale_method)'dark_background') num_axes = 3 if figsize is None: figsize = [3 * num_axes * num_rows, 3 * num_cols] fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_axes * num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize) # displaying some annotation text if provided # good choice would be the location of the input images (for future refwhen image is shared or misplaced!) if annot is not None: fig.suptitle(annot, backgroundcolor='black', color='g') display_params = dict(interpolation='none', aspect='equal', origin='lower') ax = ax.flatten() ax_counter = 0 for dim_index in range(3): for slice_num in slices[dim_index]:[ax_counter]) ax_counter = ax_counter + 1 slice1 = get_axis(img1, dim_index, slice_num) slice2 = get_axis(img2, dim_index, slice_num) mixed, mixer_spec_params = _generic_mixer(slice1, slice2, mixer, **kwargs) display_params.update(mixer_spec_params) plt.imshow(mixed, vmin=min_value, vmax=max_value, **display_params) # adjustments for proper presentation plt.axis('off') fig.tight_layout() if output_path is not None: output_path = output_path.replace(' ', '_') fig.savefig(output_path + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close() return fig def _preprocess_images(img_spec1, img_spec2, rescale_method='global', bkground_thresh=None, padding=5, ): img_one, img_two = check_images(img_spec1, img_spec2, bkground_thresh=bkground_thresh) img_one, img_two = crop_to_extents(img_one, img_two, padding) rescale_images, img_one, img_two, \ min_value, max_value = check_rescaling(img_one, img_two, rescale_method) return img_one, img_two def _open_figure(slicer, num_rows_per_view, figsize=(15, 11)): total_num_rows = len(slicer.view_set) * num_rows_per_view total_num_panels = sum(slicer.num_slices) num_cols = int(np.ceil(total_num_panels / total_num_rows))'dark_background') fig, axes = plt.subplots(total_num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize, subplot_kw=dict(rasterized=True), gridspec_kw=dict(wspace=0.005, hspace=0.005)) axes = axes.flatten() # plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.005, hspace=0.005, top=0.01, bottom=0.0) for ix, ax in enumerate(axes): ax.axis('off') return fig, axes def collage(img_spec, num_rows=2, num_cols=6, rescale_method='global', cmap='gray', annot=None, padding=5, bkground_thresh=None, output_path=None, figsize=None, **kwargs): "Produces a collage of various slices from different orientations in the given 3D image" num_rows, num_cols, padding = check_params(num_rows, num_cols, padding) img = read_image(img_spec, bkground_thresh=bkground_thresh) img = crop_image(img, padding) img, (min_value, max_value) = check_rescaling_collage(img, rescale_method, return_extrema=True) num_slices_per_view = num_rows * num_cols slices = pick_slices(img, num_slices_per_view)'dark_background') num_axes = 3 if figsize is None: figsize = [3 * num_axes * num_rows, 3 * num_cols] fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_axes * num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize) # displaying some annotation text if provided if annot is not None: fig.suptitle(annot, backgroundcolor='black', color='g') display_params = dict(interpolation='none', cmap=cmap, aspect='equal', origin='lower', vmin=min_value, vmax=max_value) ax = ax.flatten() ax_counter = 0 for dim_index in range(3): for slice_num in slices[dim_index]:[ax_counter]) ax_counter = ax_counter + 1 slice1 = get_axis(img, dim_index, slice_num) # slice1 = crop_image(slice1, padding) plt.imshow(slice1, **display_params) plt.axis('off') fig.tight_layout() if output_path is not None: output_path = output_path.replace(' ', '_') fig.savefig(output_path + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close() return fig def aseg_on_mri(mri_spec, aseg_spec, alpha_mri=1.0, alpha_seg=1.0, num_rows=2, num_cols=6, rescale_method='global', aseg_cmap='freesurfer', sub_cortical=False, annot=None, padding=5, bkground_thresh=0.05, output_path=None, figsize=None, **kwargs): "Produces a collage of various slices from different orientations in the given 3D image" num_rows, num_cols, padding = check_params(num_rows, num_cols, padding) mri = read_image(mri_spec, bkground_thresh=bkground_thresh) seg = read_image(aseg_spec, bkground_thresh=0) mri, seg = crop_to_seg_extents(mri, seg, padding) num_slices_per_view = num_rows * num_cols slices = pick_slices(seg, num_slices_per_view)'dark_background') num_axes = 3 if figsize is None: figsize = [5 * num_axes * num_rows, 5 * num_cols] fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_axes * num_rows, num_cols, figsize=figsize) # displaying some annotation text if provided if annot is not None: fig.suptitle(annot, backgroundcolor='black', color='g') display_params_mri = dict(interpolation='none', aspect='equal', origin='lower', cmap='gray', alpha=alpha_mri, vmin=mri.min(), vmax=mri.max()) display_params_seg = dict(interpolation='none', aspect='equal', origin='lower', alpha=alpha_seg) normalize_labels = colors.Normalize(vmin=seg.min(), vmax=seg.max(), clip=True) fs_cmap = get_freesurfer_cmap(sub_cortical) label_mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=normalize_labels, cmap=fs_cmap) ax = ax.flatten() ax_counter = 0 for dim_index in range(3): for slice_num in slices[dim_index]:[ax_counter]) ax_counter = ax_counter + 1 slice_mri = get_axis(mri, dim_index, slice_num) slice_seg = get_axis(seg, dim_index, slice_num) # # masking data to set no-value pixels to transparent # seg_background = np.isclose(slice_seg, 0.0) # slice_seg =, slice_seg) # slice_mri =, slice_mri) seg_rgb = label_mapper.to_rgba(slice_seg) plt.imshow(seg_rgb, **display_params_seg) plt.imshow(slice_mri, **display_params_mri) plt.axis('off') # plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, right=0.99, bottom=0.01, top=0.99, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.02) # fig.tight_layout() if output_path is not None: output_path = output_path.replace(' ', '_') fig.savefig(output_path + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close() return fig def _generic_mixer(slice1, slice2, mixer_name, **kwargs): """ Generic mixer to process two slices with appropriate mixer and return the composite to be displayed. """ mixer_name = mixer_name.lower() if mixer_name in ['color_mix', 'rgb']: mixed = _mix_color(slice1, slice2, **kwargs) cmap = None # data is already RGB-ed elif mixer_name in ['checkerboard', 'checker', 'cb', 'checker_board']: checkers = _get_checkers(slice1.shape, **kwargs) mixed = _checker_mixer(slice1, slice2, checkers) cmap = 'gray' elif mixer_name in ['diff', 'voxelwise_diff', 'vdiff']: mixed, cmap = _diff_image(slice1, slice2, **kwargs) # if kwargs['overlay_image'] is True: # diff_cmap = diff_colormap() # plt.imshow(slice1, alpha=kwargs['overlay_alpha'], **display_params) # plt.hold(True) # plt.imshow(mixed, # cmap=diff_cmap, # vmin=min_value, vmax=max_value, # **display_params) # else: # plt.imshow(mixed, cmap=cmap, # vmin=min_value, vmax=max_value, # **display_params) else: raise ValueError('Invalid mixer name chosen.') disp_params = dict(cmap=cmap) return mixed, disp_params def check_rescaling_collage(img, rescale_method=None, return_extrema=True): "" if not (isinstance(rescale_method, str) or rescale_method is None): raise ValueError('rescale_method method be "global", "slice" or None') if rescale_method is None: return img, rescale_method rescale_method = rescale_method.lower() if rescale_method in ['global']: img = scale_0to1(img) if return_extrema: min_value = img.min() max_value = img.max() return img, (min_value, max_value) else: return img def check_rescaling(img1, img2, rescale_method): """Estimates the intensity range to clip the visualizations to""" # estimating intensity ranges if rescale_method is None: # this section is to help user to avoid all intensity rescaling altogther! # TODO bug does not work yet, as pyplot does not offer any easy way to control it rescale_images = False min_value = None max_value = None norm_image = None # mpl.colors.NoNorm doesn't work yet. data is getting linearly normalized to [0, 1] elif isinstance(rescale_method, str): if rescale_method.lower() in ['global']: # TODO need a way to alert the user if one of the distributions is too narrow # in which case that image will be collapsed to an uniform value combined_distr = np.concatenate((img1.flatten(), img2.flatten())) min_value = combined_distr.min() max_value = combined_distr.max() elif rescale_method.lower() in ['each']: img1 = scale_0to1(img1) img2 = scale_0to1(img2) min_value = 0.0 max_value = 1.0 else: raise ValueError('rescaling method can only be "global" or "each"') rescale_images = True norm_image = mpl.colors.Normalize elif len(rescale_method) == 2: min_value = min(rescale_method) max_value = max(rescale_method) rescale_images = True norm_image = mpl.colors.Normalize else: raise ValueError('Invalid intensity range!. It must be either : ' '1) a list/tuple of two distinct values or' '2) "global" indicating rescaling based on min/max values derived from both images or' '3) None, no rescaling or norming altogether. ') return rescale_images, img1, img2, min_value, max_value def check_images(img_spec1, img_spec2, bkground_thresh=0.05): """Reads the two images and assers identical shape.""" img1 = read_image(img_spec1, bkground_thresh) img2 = read_image(img_spec2, bkground_thresh) if img1.shape != img2.shape: raise ValueError('size mismatch! First image: {} Second image: {}\n' 'Two images to be compared must be of the same size in all dimensions.'.format( img1.shape, img2.shape)) return img1, img2 def _get_checkers(slice_shape, patch_size): """Creates checkerboard of a given tile size, filling a given slice.""" if patch_size is not None: patch_size = check_patch_size(patch_size) else: # 7 patches in each axis, min voxels/patch = 3 # TODO make 7 a user settable parameter patch_size = np.round(np.array(slice_shape) / 7).astype('int16') patch_size = np.maximum(patch_size, np.array([3, 3])) black = np.zeros(patch_size) white = np.ones(patch_size) tile = np.vstack((np.hstack([black, white]), np.hstack([white, black]))) # using ceil so we can clip the extra portions num_tiles = np.ceil(np.divide(slice_shape, tile.shape)).astype(int) checkers = np.tile(tile, num_tiles) # clipping any extra columns or rows if any(np.greater(checkers.shape, slice_shape)): if checkers.shape[0] > slice_shape[0]: checkers = np.delete(checkers, np.s_[slice_shape[0]:], axis=0) if checkers.shape[1] > slice_shape[1]: checkers = np.delete(checkers, np.s_[slice_shape[1]:], axis=1) return checkers def _mix_color(slice1, slice2, alpha_channels, color_space): """Mixing them as red and green channels""" if slice1.shape != slice2.shape: raise ValueError('size mismatch between cropped slices and checkers!!!') alpha_channels = np.array(alpha_channels) if len(alpha_channels) != 2: raise ValueError('Alphas must be two value tuples.') slice1, slice2 = scale_images_0to1(slice1, slice2) # masking background combined_distr = np.concatenate((slice1.flatten(), slice2.flatten())) image_eps = np.percentile(combined_distr, 5) background = np.logical_or(slice1 <= image_eps, slice2 <= image_eps) if color_space.lower() in ['rgb']: red = alpha_channels[0] * slice1 grn = alpha_channels[1] * slice2 blu = np.zeros_like(slice1) # foreground = np.logical_not(background) # blu[foreground] = 1.0 mixed = np.stack((red, grn, blu), axis=2) elif color_space.lower() in ['hsv']: raise NotImplementedError( 'This method (color_space="hsv") is yet to fully conceptualized and implemented.') # TODO other ideas: hue/saturation/intensity value driven by difference in intensity? hue = alpha_channels[0] * slice1 sat = alpha_channels[1] * slice2 val = np.ones_like(slice1) hue[background] = 1.0 sat[background] = 0.0 val[background] = 0.0 mixed = np.stack((hue, sat, val), axis=2) # converting to RGB mixed = mpl.colors.hsv_to_rgb(mixed) # ensuring all values are clipped to [0, 1] mixed[mixed <= 0.0] = 0.0 mixed[mixed >= 1.0] = 1.0 return mixed def _checker_mixer(slice1, slice2, checker_size=None): """Mixes the two slices in alternating areas specified by checkers""" checkers = _get_checkers(slice1.shape, checker_size) if slice1.shape != slice2.shape or slice2.shape != checkers.shape: raise ValueError('size mismatch between cropped slices and checkers!!!') mixed = slice1.copy() mixed[checkers > 0] = slice2[checkers > 0] return mixed def cli_run(): raise NotImplementedError if __name__ == '__main__': cli_run()