Source code for pyradigm.classify

__all__ = ['ClassificationDataset', ]

import random
import warnings
from collections import Counter
from os.path import isfile, realpath

import numpy as np
from pyradigm.base import BaseDataset

[docs]class ClassificationDataset(BaseDataset): """ The main class for user-facing ClassificationDataset. Note: samplet is defined to refer to a single row in feature matrix X: N x p """ def __init__(self, dataset_path=None, in_dataset=None, data=None, targets=None, description='', feature_names=None, dtype=np.float_, allow_nan_inf=False, ): """ Default constructor. Recommended way to construct the dataset is via add_samplet method, one samplet at a time, as it allows for unambiguous identification of each row in data matrix. This constructor can be used in 3 ways: - As a copy constructor to make a copy of the given in_dataset - Or by specifying the tuple of data, targets and classes. In this usage, you can provide additional inputs such as description and feature_names. - Or by specifying a file path which contains previously saved Dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset_path : str path to saved Dataset on disk, to directly load it. in_dataset : Dataset Dataset to be copied to create a new one. data : dict dict of features (samplet_ids are treated to be samplet ids) targets : dict dict of targets (samplet_ids must match with data/classes, are treated to be samplet ids) description : str Arbitrary string to describe the current dataset. feature_names : list, ndarray List of names for each feature in the dataset. dtype : np.dtype Data type of the features to be stored allow_nan_inf : bool or str Flag to indicate whether raise an error if NaN or Infinity values are found. If False, adding samplets with NaN or Inf features raises an error If True, neither NaN nor Inf raises an error. You can pass 'NaN' or 'Inf' to specify which value to allow depending on your needs. Raises ------ ValueError If in_dataset is not of type Dataset or is empty, or An invalid combination of input args is given. IOError If dataset_path provided does not exist. """ super().__init__(target_type=str, dtype=dtype, allow_nan_inf=allow_nan_inf, ) if dataset_path is not None: if isfile(realpath(dataset_path)): # print('Loading the dataset from: {}'.format(dataset_path)) self._load(dataset_path) else: raise IOError('Specified file could not be read.') elif in_dataset is not None: if not isinstance(in_dataset, self.__class__): raise TypeError('Invalid Class input: {} expected!' ''.format(self.__class__)) if in_dataset.num_samplets <= 0: raise ValueError('Dataset to copy is empty.') self._copy(in_dataset) elif data is None and targets is None: self._data = dict() self._targets = dict() self._num_features = 0 self._description = '' self._feature_names = None elif data is not None and targets is not None: # ensuring the inputs really correspond to each other # but only in data and targets, not feature names self._validate(data, targets) self._data = dict(data) self._targets = dict(targets) self._description = description sample_ids = list(data) features0 = data[sample_ids[0]] self._num_features = features0.size \ if isinstance(features0, np.ndarray) \ else len(features0) # assigning default names for each feature if feature_names is None: self._feature_names = self._str_names(self.num_features) else: self._feature_names = feature_names else: raise ValueError('Incorrect way to construct the dataset.') @property def target_set(self): """Set of unique classes in the dataset.""" return list(set(self._targets.values())) @property def target_sizes(self): """Returns the sizes of different objects in a Counter object.""" return Counter(self._targets.values()) @property def num_targets(self): """Total number of unique classes in the dataset.""" return len(self.target_set)
[docs] def sample_ids_in_class(self, class_id): """ Returns a list of sample ids belonging to a given class. Parameters ---------- class_id : str class id to query. Returns ------- subset_ids : list List of sample ids belonging to a given class. """ # subset_ids = # [ sid for sid in self.samplet_ids if self.classes[sid] == class_id ] subset_ids = self._keys_with_value(self.targets, class_id) return subset_ids
[docs] def get_class(self, target_id): """ Returns a smaller dataset belonging to the requested classes. Parameters ---------- target_id : str or list identifier(s) of the class(es) to be returned. Returns ------- ClassificationDataset With subset of samples belonging to the given class(es). Raises ------ ValueError If one or more of the requested classes do not exist in this dataset. If the specified id is empty or None """ if target_id in [None, '']: raise ValueError("target id can not be empty or None.") if isinstance(target_id, str): target_ids = [target_id, ] else: target_ids = target_id non_existent = set(self.target_set).intersection(set(target_ids)) if len(non_existent) < 1: raise ValueError('Classes {} do not exist in this dataset.' ''.format(non_existent)) subsets = list() for target_id in target_ids: subsets_this_class = self._keys_with_value(self._targets, target_id) subsets.extend(subsets_this_class) return self.get_subset(subsets)
[docs] def train_test_split_ids(self, train_perc=None, count_per_class=None): """ Returns two disjoint sets of samplet ids for use in cross-validation. Offers two ways to specify the sizes: fraction or count. Only one access method can be used at a time. Parameters ---------- train_perc : float fraction of samplets from each class to build the training subset. count_per_class : int exact count of samplets from each class to build the training subset. Returns ------- train_set : list List of ids in the training set. test_set : list List of ids in the test set. Raises ------ ValueError If the fraction is outside open interval (0, 1), or If counts are outside larger than the smallest class, or If unrecognized format is provided for input args, or If the selection results in empty subsets for either train or test sets. """ _ignore1, target_sizes = self.summarize() smallest_class_size = np.min(target_sizes) if count_per_class is None and (0.0 < train_perc < 1.0): if train_perc < 1.0 / smallest_class_size: raise ValueError('Training percentage selected too low ' 'to return even one samplet from the smallest class!') train_set = self.random_subset_ids(train_perc) elif train_perc is None and count_per_class > 0: if count_per_class >= smallest_class_size: raise ValueError( 'Selections would exclude the smallest class from test set. ' 'Reduce samplet count per class for the training set!') train_set = self.random_subset_ids_by_count(count_per_class) else: raise ValueError('Invalid, or out of range selection: ' 'only one of count or percentage ' 'can be used to select subset at a given time.') test_set = list(set(self.samplet_ids) - set(train_set)) if len(train_set) < 1: raise ValueError('Empty training set! Selection perc or count too small!' 'Change selections or check your dataset.') if len(test_set) < 1: raise ValueError('Empty test set! Selection perc or count too small!' 'Change selections or check your dataset.') return train_set, test_set
[docs] def random_subset(self, perc_in_class=0.5): """ Returns a random sub-dataset (of specified size by percentage) within each class. Parameters ---------- perc_in_class : float Fraction of samples to be taken from each class. Returns ------- subdataset : ClassificationDataset random sub-dataset of specified size. """ subsets = self.random_subset_ids(perc_in_class) if len(subsets) > 0: return self.get_subset(subsets) else: warnings.warn('Zero samples were selected. Returning an empty dataset!') return self.__class__()
[docs] def random_subset_ids(self, perc_per_class=0.5): """ Returns a random subset of sample ids (size in percentage) within each class. Parameters ---------- perc_per_class : float Fraction of samples per class Returns ------- subset : list Combined list of sample ids from all classes. Raises ------ ValueError If no subjects from one or more classes were selected. UserWarning If an empty or full dataset is requested. """ subsets = list() if perc_per_class <= 0.0: warnings.warn('Zero percentage requested - returning an empty dataset!') return list() elif perc_per_class >= 1.0: warnings.warn('Full or a larger dataset requested - returning a copy!') return self.samplet_ids # seeding the random number generator # random.seed(random_seed) for target_id, target_size in self.target_sizes.items(): # samples belonging to the class this_class = self._keys_with_value(self.targets, target_id) # shuffling the sample order; shuffling works in-place! random.shuffle(this_class) # calculating the requested number of samples subset_size_this_class = np.int64(np.floor(target_size * perc_per_class)) # clipping the range to [1, n] subset_size_this_class = max(1, min(target_size, subset_size_this_class)) if subset_size_this_class < 1 or \ len(this_class) < 1 or \ this_class is None: # warning if none were selected raise ValueError( 'No samplets from class {} were selected.'.format(target_id)) else: subsets_this_class = this_class[0:subset_size_this_class] subsets.extend(subsets_this_class) if len(subsets) > 0: return subsets else: warnings.warn('Zero samples were selected. Returning an empty list!') return list()
[docs] def random_subset_ids_by_count(self, count_per_class=1): """ Returns a random subset of sample ids of specified size by count, within each class. Parameters ---------- count_per_class : int Exact number of samples per each class. Returns ------- subset : list Combined list of sample ids from all classes. """ subsets = list() if count_per_class < 1: warnings.warn('Atleast one sample must be selected from each class') return list() elif count_per_class >= self.num_samplets: warnings.warn('All samples requested - returning a copy!') return self.samplet_ids # seeding the random number generator # random.seed(random_seed) for target_id, target_size in self.target_sizes.items(): # samples belonging to the class this_class = self._keys_with_value(self.targets, target_id) # shuffling the sample order; shuffling works in-place! random.shuffle(this_class) # clipping the range to [0, class_size] subset_size_this_class = max(0, min(target_size, count_per_class)) if subset_size_this_class < 1 or this_class is None: # warning if none were selected warnings.warn('No samplets from class {} were selected.' ''.format(target_id)) else: subsets_this_class = this_class[0:count_per_class] subsets.extend(subsets_this_class) if len(subsets) > 0: return subsets else: warnings.warn('Zero samples were selected. Returning an empty list!') return list()
[docs] def rename_targets(self, new_targets): """ Helper to rename the classes, if provided by a dict keyed in by the original samplet ids Parameters ---------- new_targets : dict Dict of targets keyed in by sample IDs. Raises ------ TypeError If targets is not a dict. ValueError If all samples in dataset are not present in input dict, or one of they samples in input is not recognized. """ if not isinstance(new_targets, dict): raise TypeError('Input targets is not a dict!') if not len(new_targets) == self.num_samplets: raise ValueError('Too few items in dict - need {} samplet_ids' ''.format(self.num_samplets)) if not all([key in self.samplet_ids for key in new_targets]): raise ValueError('One or more unrecognized samplet_ids!') self._targets = new_targets
[docs] def summarize(self): """ Summary of classes: names and sizes Returns ------- target_set : list List of names of all the classes target_sizes : list Size of each class (number of samples) """ target_sizes = np.zeros(len(self.target_set)) for idx, target in enumerate(self.target_set): target_sizes[idx] = self.target_sizes[target] return self.target_set, target_sizes
def __str__(self): """Returns a concise and useful text summary of the dataset.""" full_descr = list() if self.description not in [None, '']: full_descr.append(self.description) if bool(self): full_descr.append('{} samplets, {} classes, {} features'.format( self.num_samplets, self.num_targets, self.num_features)) attr_descr = self._attr_repr() if len(attr_descr) > 0: full_descr.append(attr_descr) class_ids = list(self.target_sizes) max_width = max([len(cls) for cls in class_ids]) num_digit = max([len(str(val)) for val in self.target_sizes.values()]) for cls in class_ids: full_descr.append( 'Class {cls:>{clswidth}} : ' '{size:>{numwidth}} samplets' ''.format(cls=cls, clswidth=max_width, size=self.target_sizes.get(cls), numwidth=num_digit)) else: full_descr.append('Empty dataset.') return '\n'.join(full_descr) def __format__(self, fmt_str='s'): if fmt_str.lower() in ['', 's', 'short']: descr = '{} samplets x {} features each in {} classes.'.format( self.num_samplets, self.num_features, self.num_targets) attr_descr = self._attr_repr() if len(attr_descr) > 0: descr += '\n {}'.format(attr_descr) return descr elif fmt_str.lower() in ['f', 'full']: return self.__str__() else: raise NotImplementedError("Requested type of format not implemented.\n" "It can only be 'short' (default) or 'full', " "or a shorthand: 's' or 'f' ") def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def data_and_labels(self): """Deprecated: symbolic link to the .data_and_targets() method for backwards compatibility.""" warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning('data_and_labels() is convenient method to ' 'access data_and_targets() method.' 'Switch to the latter ASAP.')) return self.data_and_targets()