Command line usage ------------------ Once the installation is successful, options for the corresponding usecase could be obtained by typing the corresponding command, or by adding ``-h`` flag to it: - ``visualqc_alignment`` - ``visualqc_freesurfer`` - ``visualqc_func_mri`` - ``visualqc_anatomical`` - ``visualqc_defacing`` - ``visualqc_diffusion`` Each of them has a shorter name shortcut too to save a bit of typing :): - ``vqcalign`` - ``vqcfs`` - ``vqcfunc`` - ``vqcanat`` - ``vqcdeface`` - ``vqcdwi`` For example, .. code-block:: bash vqcalign vqcfunc -h Those options for each command are shown in their respective pages: - :doc:`cli_alignment` - :doc:`cli_freesurfer` - :doc:`cli_func_mri` - :doc:`cli_defacing` - :doc:`cli_t1_mri` - :doc:`cli_diff_mri` Check the bottom of this page for examples. Examples showing the usage of each of these use cases are shown below: - :doc:`examples_freesurfer` - :doc:`examples_freesurfer_generic` - :doc:`examples_func_mri` - :doc:`examples_defacing` - :doc:`examples_alignment` - :doc:`examples_t1_mri` - :doc:`examples_diff_mri`