API Reference#
This is the API reference for the protocol which might be helpful fo users who want to add their own parameters and acquisition protocol for MR data acquisition. The API is divided into two categories: the high-level API and the low-level API.
High-level API#
The high-level API is the most convenient way to add new parameters and acquisition protocols. It is based on the core API and provides a simple interface to add new parameters and protocols.
- class RepetitionTime#
Parameter specific class for RepetitionTime
- __init__(value=Unspecified)#
- class EchoTime#
Parameter specific class for EchoTime
- __init__(value=Unspecified)#
- class PhaseEncodingDirection#
Parameter specific class for PhaseEncodingDirection
- __init__(value=Unspecified)#
- class MRImagingProtocol#
Base class for all MR imaging protocols, including neuroimaging datasets
- __init__(
- name='MRIProtocol',
- category='MR',
- filepath=None,
- type=ProtocolType.INFERRED_FROM_DATASET,
- add(seq)#
Adds a new sequence to the current protocol
- get_sequence_ids()#
Returns the list of sequence ids in the protocol
- add_sequence_from_dict(seq_name, param_dict)#
Adds a sequence to the protocol from a dictionary
- class SiemensMRImagingProtocol#
- __init__(
- name='SiemensMRProtocol',
- category='MR',
- filepath=None,
- type=ProtocolType.USER_DEFINED,
- program_name=None,
- convert_ped=True,
- from_xml(filepath=None)#
A function to parse the XML file and extract the parameters for each sequence
- class ImagingSequence#
Class representing an Imaging sequence
Although we would use it mostly for MR imaging sequences to start with it should be able to store any sequence captured by DICOM: CT, XRAY etc
- __init__(
- name='MRI',
- dicom=None,
- imaging_params=None,
- required_params=None,
- path=None,
- set_session_info(dicom)#
Sets the session information from the DICOM header. This is used to set the session_id, subject_id, run_id and timestamp
- parse(dicom, params=None)#
Parses the parameter values from a given DICOM object or file.
- from_dict(params_dict)#
Populates the sequence parameters from a dictionary.
- Parameters:
- params_dictdict
Dictionary containing the parameter names and values as key, value pairs.
- set_echo_times(echo_times, echo_number=None)#
Sets the echo times for a multi-echo sequence.
Core API#
The core API is the low-level API which is used by the high-level API. It provides the basic functionality to add new parameters and acquisition protocols.
Main module containing the core classes.
- class BaseParameter#
Base class for all parameters. A parameter is a container class for a single value (or a list of values), with a name, with methods to check for compliance and validity. For example, a parameter may represent imaging acquisition parameters of a sequence, e.g. RepetitionTime, EchoTime, PhaseEncodingDirection, etc.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Name of the parameter.
- valueobject
Value of the parameter.
- dtypetype
Data type of the parameter.
- unitsstr
Units of the parameter. For example, 'ms' for milliseconds, 's' for seconds, etc.
- stepsint
Incremental steps of the parameter. For example, 10 for a parameter that can take values such as 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.
- rangetuple
Range of the parameter. For example, (0, 100) for a parameter that can take values between 0 and 100.
- requiredbool
Whether the parameter is required or not.
- severitystr
Importance of the parameter. For example, 'critical' for a parameter that is critical for acquisition, 'optional' for a parameter that is optional for acquisition.
- dicom_tagstr
DICOM tag of the parameter. For example, '0018,0080' for RepetitionTime.
- acronymstr
Acronym of the parameter. For example, 'TR' for RepetitionTime.
(other, **kwargs)Method to check if one parameter value is compatible w.r.t another, either in equality or within acceptable range, for that data type.
Getter for the value of the parameter.
- __init__(
- name='parameter',
- value=Unspecified,
- dtype=None,
- units='ms',
- steps=1,
- range=None,
- required=True,
- severity='critical',
- dicom_tag=None,
- acronym=None,
- get_value()#
Getter for the value of the parameter.
- compliant(other, **kwargs)#
Method to check if one parameter value is compatible w.r.t another, either in equality or within acceptable range, for that data type.
- Parameters:
- otherBaseParameter
The other parameter to compare with.
- kwargsdict
Additional keyword arguments to be passed.
- class MultiValueNumericParameter#
Parameter subclass for parameters that can take multiple values, such as EchoTime, ImageOrientationPatient etc.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Name of the parameter.
- valueobject
Value of the parameter.
- dtypetype
Data type of the parameter.
- unitsstr
Units of the parameter. For example, 'ms' for milliseconds, 's' for seconds, etc.
- stepsint
Incremental steps of the parameter. For example, 10 for a parameter that can take values such as 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.
- rangetuple
Range of the parameter. For example, (0, 100) for a parameter that can take values between 0 and 100.
- requiredbool
Whether the parameter is required or not.
- severitystr
Importance of the parameter. For example, 'critical' for a parameter that is critical for acquisition, 'optional' for a parameter that is optional for acquisition.
- dicom_tagstr
DICOM tag of the parameter. For example, '0018,0080' for RepetitionTime.
- acronymstr
Acronym of the parameter. For example, 'TR' for RepetitionTime.
- orderedbool
Whether the parameter values are ordered or not. Some array types don't have any order like SequenceName, and SequenceVariant. Therefore ordered=False. as the values can be sorted. But others like ImageOrientation, ShimSetting etc. have an order, they cannot be sorted. Therefore ordered=True.
(other, **kwargs)Method to check if one parameter value is compatible w.r.t another, either in equality or within acceptable range, for that data type.
Getter for the value of the parameter.
- __init__(
- name,
- value,
- dicom_tag=None,
- acronym=None,
- units=None,
- range=None,
- steps=None,
- required=True,
- severity='critical',
- ordered=False,
Constructor. some array types don't have any order like EchoTime, and EchoNumber. So they can be sorted. But others cannot like ImageOrientation, ShimSetting etc. have an order, they cannot be sorted.
- get_value()#
Getter for the value of the parameter. If the parameter has only one value, return that value, else return the list of values.
- class NumericParameter#
Parameter specific class for Numeric parameters such as RepetitionTime etc.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Name of the parameter.
- valueobject
Value of the parameter.
- dtypetype
Data type of the parameter.
- unitsstr
Units of the parameter. For example, 'ms' for milliseconds, 's' for seconds, etc.
- stepsint
Incremental steps of the parameter. For example, 10 for a parameter that can take values such as 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.
- rangetuple
Range of the parameter. For example, (0, 100) for a parameter that can take values between 0 and 100.
- requiredbool
Whether the parameter is required or not.
- severitystr
Importance of the parameter. For example, 'critical' for a parameter that is critical for acquisition, 'optional' for a parameter that is optional for acquisition.
- dicom_tagstr
DICOM tag of the parameter. For example, '0018,0080' for RepetitionTime.
- acronymstr
Acronym of the parameter. For example, 'TR' for RepetitionTime.
(other, **kwargs)Method to check if one parameter value is compatible w.r.t another, either in equality or within acceptable range, for that data type.
()Getter for the value of the parameter.
- __init__(
- name,
- value,
- dicom_tag=None,
- acronym=None,
- units=None,
- range=None,
- steps=None,
- required=True,
- severity='critical',
- class MultiValueCategoricalParameter#
Parameter specific class for parameters that can take multiple string values, such as e.g., SequenceVariant = ['SK', 'SP'], ImageType = ['ORIGINAL', 'PRIMARY', 'AXIAL'] etc.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Name of the parameter.
- valueobject
Value of the parameter.
- dtypetype
Data type of the parameter.
- unitsstr
Units of the parameter. For example, 'ms' for milliseconds, 's' for seconds, etc.
- stepsint
- Incremental steps of the parameter. For example, 10 for a parameter that can take
values such as 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.
- rangetuple
Range of the parameter. For example, (0, 100) for a parameter that can take values between 0 and 100.
- requiredbool
Whether the parameter is required or not.
- severitystr
Importance of the parameter. For example, 'critical' for a parameter that is critical for acquisition, 'optional' for a parameter that is optional for acquisition.
- dicom_tagstr
DICOM tag of the parameter. For example, '0018,0080' for RepetitionTime.
- acronymstr
Acronym of the parameter. For example, 'TR' for RepetitionTime.
- allowed_valuestuple
Valid values for the parameter.
(other, **kwargs)Method to check if one parameter value is compatible w.r.t another, either in equality or within acceptable range, for that data type.
()Getter for the value of the parameter.
- __init__(
- name,
- value,
- dicom_tag=None,
- acronym=None,
- dtype=typing.Iterable,
- required=True,
- severity='critical',
- units=None,
- range=None,
- allowed_values=(),
- class CategoricalParameter#
Parameter specific class for parameters that can take a single string value, such as SeriesDescription, ProtocolName, PhaseEncodingDirection etc.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Name of the parameter.
- valueobject
Value of the parameter.
- dtypetype
Data type of the parameter.
- unitsstr
Units of the parameter. For example, 'ms' for milliseconds, 's' for seconds, etc.
- dicom_tagstr
DICOM tag of the parameter. For example, '0018,0080' for RepetitionTime.
- acronymstr
Acronym of the parameter. For example, 'TR' for RepetitionTime.
- requiredbool
Whether the parameter is required or not.
- severitystr
Importance of the parameter. For example, 'critical' for a parameter that is critical for acquisition, 'optional' for a parameter that is optional for acquisition.
- allowed_valuestuple
Valid values for the parameter.
(other, **kwargs)Method to check if one parameter value is compatible w.r.t another, either in equality or within acceptable range, for that data type.
()Getter for the value of the parameter.
- __init__(
- name,
- value,
- dicom_tag=None,
- acronym=None,
- dtype=<class 'str'>,
- required=True,
- severity='critical',
- units=None,
- allowed_values=(),
- class BaseSequence#
Container to capture imaging parameter values for a given sequence. A sequence is defined as a set of parameters implemented as a dict. A sequence is mutable, i.e. parameters and their values can be modified.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Name of the sequence.
- paramsdict
Dictionary of parameters and their values.
- pathstr
Path to the sequence on disk.
from protocol import BaseSequence, BaseParameter # adding a parameter to a sequence seq = BaseSequence() parameter = BaseParameter(name='RepetitionTime', value=2.0) seq.add(parameter) # Checking if parameters of two sequences are same if seq1.compliant(seq2): # they are compliant else: # not compliant # Retrieving a parameter value param = seq['RepetitionTime'] # print the value print(param.get_value())
(param_list)method to add new parameters; overwrite previous values if exists.
(other[, rtol, decimals, ...])Method to check if one sequence is compatible w.r.t another, either in equality or within acceptable range, for each parameter.
(k[,d])method to get metadata to the sequence
(k[,d])If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.
()as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.
([E, ]**F)If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v
()- __init__(
- name: str = 'Sequence',
- params: dict | None = None,
- path: str | None = None,
- get_session_info()#
method to get metadata to the sequence
- add(
- param_list: BaseParameter | Iterable[BaseParameter],
method to add new parameters; overwrite previous values if exists.
- get(k[, d]) D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None. #
- compliant(other, rtol=0, decimals=None, include_params=None)#
Method to check if one sequence is compatible w.r.t another, either in equality or within acceptable range, for each parameter.
- Parameters:
- otherBaseSequence
The other sequence to compare with.
- rtolfloat
Relative tolerance. The relative difference is equal to
rtol * abs(b)
. Default is 0.- decimalsint
Number of decimal places to consider for comparison. Default is 3.
- include_paramslist
List of parameters to include while comparing two sequences. Default is all parameters.
- class BaseProtocol#
Base class for all protocols.
A protocol is a sequence, except it is not mutable, to serve as a reference.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Name of the protocol.
- __init__(name='Protocol')#
- class BaseImagingProtocol#
Base class for all imaging protocols such as MRI / neuroimaging.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Name of the protocol.
- categorystr
Category of the protocol. For example, 'MR' for MRI, 'CT' for CT, etc. It should be one of the supported imaging modalities.
- __init__(name='ImagingProtocol', category='MR')#