neuropredict : easy and comprehensive predictive analysis.
from __future__ import print_function
from neuropredict.base import organize_inputs, MissingDataException
__all__ = ['run', 'cli', 'get_parser']
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sys import version_info
from os.path import join as pjoin, exists as pexists, abspath, realpath, basename
import numpy as np
from pyradigm.utils import load_dataset
if version_info.major > 2:
# the order of import is very important to avoid circular imports
from neuropredict import __version__
from neuropredict import config_neuropredict as cfg
from neuropredict import rhst, visualize
from neuropredict.freesurfer import (aseg_stats_subcortical,
from neuropredict.io import (get_metadata, get_features,
get_data_matrix, get_dir_of_dirs, get_pyradigm,
from neuropredict.utils import (uniq_combined_name,
sub_group_identifier, save_options, load_options,
make_dataset_filename, not_unspecified,
check_classifier, print_options)
raise NotImplementedError('neuropredict requires Python 3+.')
def get_parser_classify():
from neuropredict.base import get_parser_base
parser, user_defined, cv_args_group, pipeline_group, vis_args, comp_args\
= get_parser_base()
help_text_fs_dir = textwrap.dedent("""
Absolute path to ``SUBJECTS_DIR`` containing the finished runs of
Freesurfer parcellation. Each subject will be queried after its ID in the
metadata file. E.g. ``--fs_subject_dir /project/freesurfer_v5.3``
\n \n """)
help_text_arff_paths = textwrap.dedent("""
List of paths to files saved in Weka's ARFF dataset format.
- this format does NOT allow IDs for each subject.
- given feature values are saved in text format, this can lead to large files
with high-dimensional data,
compared to numpy arrays saved to disk in binary format.
More info: https://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/arff.html
\n \n """)
help_text_positive_class = textwrap.dedent("""
Name of the positive class (e.g. Alzheimers, MCI etc) to be used in
calculation of area under the ROC curve. This is applicable only for binary
classification experiments.
Default: class appearing last in order specified in metadata file.
\n \n """)
help_text_sub_groups = textwrap.dedent("""
This option allows the user to study different combinations of classes in a
multi-class (N>2) dataset.
For example, in a dataset with 3 classes CN, FTD and AD, two studies of
pair-wise combinations can be studied separately with the following flag
``--sub_groups CN,FTD CN,AD``. This allows the user to focus on few
interesting subgroups depending on their dataset/goal.
Format: Different subgroups must be separated by space, and each sub-group
must be a comma-separated list of class names defined in the meta data file.
Hence it is strongly recommended to use class names without any spaces,
commas, hyphens and special characters, and ideally just alphanumeric
characters separated by underscores.
Any number of subgroups can be specified, but each subgroup must have atleast
two distinct classes.
Default: ``'all'``, leading to inclusion of all available classes in a
all-vs-all multi-class setting.
\n \n """)
help_classifier = textwrap.dedent("""
String specifying one of the implemented classifiers.
(Classifiers are carefully chosen to allow for the comprehensive report
provided by neuropredict).
Default: 'RandomForestClassifier'
parser.add_argument("-f", "--fs_subject_dir", action="store",
default=None, help=help_text_fs_dir)
user_defined.add_argument("-a", "--arff_paths", action="store",
cv_args_group.add_argument("-p", "--positive_class", action="store",
cv_args_group.add_argument("-sg", "--sub_groups", action="store",
pipeline_group.add_argument("-e", "--classifier", action="store",
default=cfg.default_classifier, help=help_classifier,
choices=cfg.classifier_choices, type=str.lower)
return parser
def parse_args():
"""Parser/validator for the cmd line args."""
parser = get_parser_classify()
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Too few arguments!')
# parsing
user_args = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
# only if no features were specified to be assessed
if not any(not_unspecified(getattr(user_args, attr))
for attr in ('user_feature_paths', 'data_matrix_paths',
'pyradigm_paths', 'arff_paths')):
if not_unspecified(user_args.print_opt_dir) and user_args.print_opt_dir:
run_dir = realpath(user_args.print_opt_dir)
if not_unspecified(user_args.make_vis):
out_dir = realpath(user_args.make_vis)
res_path = pjoin(out_dir, cfg.file_name_results)
if pexists(out_dir) and pexists(res_path):
if not_unspecified(user_args.make_vis):
print('\n\nSaving the visualizations to \n{}'.format(out_dir))
make_visualizations(res_path, out_dir)
raise ValueError('Given folder does not exist, '
'or has no results file!')
user_feature_paths, user_feature_type, fs_subject_dir, meta_data_path, \
meta_data_format = organize_inputs(user_args)
if not meta_data_path:
if user_args.meta_file is not None:
meta_file = abspath(user_args.meta_file)
if not pexists(meta_file):
raise IOError("Meta data file doesn't exist.")
raise ValueError('Metadata file must be provided '
'when not using pyradigm/ARFF inputs.')
sample_ids, classes = get_metadata(meta_file)
print('Using meta data from:\n{}'.format(meta_data_path))
sample_ids, classes = get_metadata_in_pyradigm(meta_data_path,
if user_args.out_dir is not None:
out_dir = realpath(user_args.out_dir)
out_dir = pjoin(realpath(os.getcwd()), cfg.output_dir_default)
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
raise IOError('Output folder could not be created.')
train_perc = np.float32(user_args.train_perc)
if not ( 0.01 <= train_perc <= 0.99):
raise ValueError("Training percentage {} out of bounds "
"- must be >= 0.01 and <= 0.99".format(train_perc))
num_rep_cv = np.int64(user_args.num_rep_cv)
if num_rep_cv < 10:
raise ValueError("Atleast 10 repetitions of CV is recommened.")
num_procs = check_num_procs(user_args.num_procs)
class_set, subgroups, positive_class = validate_class_set(classes,
feature_selection_size = validate_feature_selection_size(
impute_strategy = validate_impute_strategy(user_args.impute_strategy)
grid_search_level = user_args.gs_level.lower()
if grid_search_level not in cfg.GRIDSEARCH_LEVELS:
raise ValueError('Unrecognized level of grid search. Valid choices: {}'
classifier = check_classifier(user_args.classifier)
dim_red_method = user_args.dim_red_method.lower()
# saving the validated and expanded values to disk for later use.
options_to_save = [sample_ids, classes, out_dir, user_feature_paths,
user_feature_type, fs_subject_dir, train_perc, num_rep_cv,
positive_class, subgroups, feature_selection_size, num_procs,
grid_search_level, classifier, dim_red_method]
options_path = save_options(options_to_save, out_dir)
return sample_ids, classes, out_dir, options_path, \
user_feature_paths, user_feature_type, fs_subject_dir, \
train_perc, num_rep_cv, \
positive_class, subgroups, \
feature_selection_size, impute_strategy, num_procs, \
grid_search_level, classifier, dim_red_method
def make_visualizations(results_file_path, out_dir, options_path=None):
Produces the performance visualizations/comparison plots from the
cross-validation results.
results_file_path : str
Path to file containing results produced by `rhst`
out_dir : str
Path to a folder to store results.
results_dict = rhst.load_results_dict(results_file_path)
# using shorter names for readability
accuracy_balanced = results_dict['accuracy_balanced']
method_names = results_dict['method_names']
num_classes = results_dict['num_classes']
class_sizes = results_dict['target_sizes']
confusion_matrix = results_dict['confusion_matrix']
class_order = results_dict['class_set']
feature_importances_rf = results_dict['feature_importances_rf']
feature_names = results_dict['feature_names']
num_times_misclfd = results_dict['num_times_misclfd']
num_times_tested = results_dict['num_times_tested']
num_methods = len(method_names)
if len(set(method_names)) < num_methods:
method_names = ['m{}_{}'.format(ix,mn)
for ix, mn in enumerate(method_names)]
feature_importances_available = True
if options_path is not None:
user_options = load_options(out_dir, options_path)
if user_options['classifier_name'].lower() not in \
feature_importances_available = False
# check if the all values are NaN
unusable = [ np.all(np.isnan(method_fi.flatten()))
for method_fi in feature_importances_rf ]
feature_importances_available = not np.all(unusable)
balacc_fig_path = pjoin(out_dir, 'balanced_accuracy')
visualize.metric_distribution(accuracy_balanced, method_names,
balacc_fig_path, class_sizes, num_classes,
"Balanced Accuracy")
confmat_fig_path = pjoin(out_dir, 'confusion_matrix')
visualize.confusion_matrices(confusion_matrix, class_order, method_names,
cmp_misclf_fig_path = pjoin(out_dir, 'compare_misclf_rates')
if num_classes > 2:
visualize.compare_misclf_pairwise(confusion_matrix, class_order,
method_names, cmp_misclf_fig_path)
elif num_classes == 2:
if feature_importances_available:
featimp_fig_path = pjoin(out_dir, 'feature_importance')
visualize.feature_importance_map(feature_importances_rf, method_names,
featimp_fig_path, feature_names)
print('\nCurrent predictive model, and/or dimensionality reduction'
' method, does not provide (or allow for computing) feature'
' importance values. Skipping them.')
misclf_out_path = pjoin(out_dir, 'misclassified_subjects')
visualize.freq_hist_misclassifications(num_times_misclfd, num_times_tested,
method_names, misclf_out_path)
warnings.warn('Error generating the visualizations! Skipping ..')
# cleaning up
def validate_class_set(classes, subgroups, positive_class=None):
"Ensures class names are valid and sub-groups exist."
class_set = list(set(classes.values()))
sub_group_list = list()
if subgroups != 'all':
if isinstance(subgroups, str):
subgroups = [ subgroups, ]
for comb in subgroups:
cls_list = comb.split(',')
# ensuring each subgroup has atleast two classes
if len(set(cls_list)) < 2:
raise ValueError('Subgroup {} does not contain 2 unique classes! '
'Each subgroup must contain atleast two classes '
'for classification experiments.'
# verify each of them were defined in meta
for cls in cls_list:
if cls not in class_set:
raise ValueError("Class {} in combination {} "
"does not exist in meta data.".format(cls, comb))
# using all classes
# the following loop is required to preserve original order
# this does not: class_order_in_meta = list(set(classes.values()))
class_order_in_meta = list()
for x in class_set:
if x not in class_order_in_meta:
num_classes = len(class_order_in_meta)
if num_classes < 2:
raise ValueError("Atleast two classes are required for predictive analysis! "
"Only one given ({})".format(set(classes.values())))
if num_classes == 2:
if not_unspecified(positive_class):
if positive_class not in class_order_in_meta:
raise ValueError('Positive class specified does not exist in meta '
'data.\n Choose one of {}'
print('Positive class specified for AUC calculation: {}'
positive_class = class_order_in_meta[-1]
print('Positive class inferred for AUC calculation: {}'
return class_set, sub_group_list, positive_class
def import_datasets(method_list, out_dir, subjects, classes,
feature_path, feature_type='dir_of_dirs',
Imports all the specified feature sets and organizes them into datasets.
method_list : list of callables
Set of predefined methods returning a vector of features f
or a given sample id and location
out_dir : str
Path to the output folder
subjects : list of str
List of sample ids
classes : dict
Dict identifying the class for each sample id in the dataset.
feature_path : list of str
List of paths to the root folder containing features (pre- or user-defined).
Must be of same length as method_list
feature_type : str
a string identifying the structure of feature set.
Choices = ('dir_of_dirs', 'data_matrix')
user_impute_strategy : str
Strategy to handle the missing data:
whether to raise an error if data is missing,
or to impute them using the method chosen here.
method_names : list of str
List of method names used for annotation
dataset_paths_file : str
Path to the file containing paths to imported feature sets
missing_data_flag : list
List of boolean flags
indicating whether data is missing in each of the input datasets.
def clean_str(string): return ' '.join(string.strip().split(' _-:\n\r\t'))
from neuropredict.io import process_pyradigm, process_arff
method_names = list()
outpath_list = list()
missing_data_flag = list() # boolean flag for each dataset
for mm, cur_method in enumerate(method_list):
if cur_method in [get_pyradigm]:
method_name, out_path_cur_dataset = process_pyradigm(feature_path[mm],
subjects, classes)
# if feature_type in ['pyradigm']:
# loaded_dataset = MLDataset(filepath=feature_path[mm])
# else:
# raise ValueError('Invalid state of the program!')
# if len(loaded_dataset.description) > 1:
# method_name = loaded_dataset.description
# else:
# method_name = basename(feature_path[mm])
# method_names.append(clean_str(method_name))
# if not saved_dataset_matches(loaded_dataset, subjects, classes):
# raise ValueError(
# 'supplied pyradigm dataset does not match samples in the meta data.')
# else:
# out_path_cur_dataset = feature_path[mm]
elif cur_method in [get_arff]:
method_name, out_path_cur_dataset = process_arff(
feature_path[mm], subjects, classes, out_dir)
# loaded_dataset = MLDataset(arff_path=feature_path[mm])
# if len(loaded_dataset.description) > 1:
# method_name = loaded_dataset.description
# else:
# method_name = basename(feature_path[mm])
# method_names.append(clean_str(method_name))
# out_name = make_dataset_filename(method_name)
# out_path_cur_dataset = pjoin(out_dir, out_name)
# loaded_dataset.save(out_path_cur_dataset)
if cur_method in [get_dir_of_dirs]:
method_name = basename(feature_path[mm])
elif cur_method in [get_data_matrix]:
method_name = os.path.splitext(basename(feature_path[mm]))[0]
method_name = cur_method.__name__
out_name = make_dataset_filename(method_name)
out_path_cur_dataset = pjoin(out_dir, out_name)
if not saved_dataset_matches(out_path_cur_dataset, subjects, classes):
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
out_path_cur_dataset = get_features(subjects, classes,
out_dir, out_name,
cur_method, feature_type)
# checking for presence of any missing data
data_mat, targets, ids = load_dataset(out_path_cur_dataset).data_and_labels()
is_nan = np.isnan(data_mat)
if is_nan.any():
data_missing_here = True
num_sub_with_md = np.sum(is_nan.sum(axis=1) > 0)
num_var_with_md = np.sum(is_nan.sum(axis=0) > 0)
if user_impute_strategy == 'raise':
raise MissingDataException(
'{}/{} subjects with missing data found in {}/{} features\n'
'\tin {} dataset at {}\n'
'\tFill them and rerun, '
'or choose one of the available imputation strategies: {}'
''.format(num_sub_with_md, data_mat.shape[0],
num_var_with_md, data_mat.shape[1],
method_name, out_path_cur_dataset,
data_missing_here = False
# finalizing the imputation strategy
if any(missing_data_flag):
print('\nOne or more of the input datasets have missing data!')
if user_impute_strategy == 'raise':
raise MissingDataException('Fill them and rerun, '
'or choose one of the available '
'imputation strategies: {}'
impute_strategy = user_impute_strategy
print('The imputation strategy chosen is: {}'.format(impute_strategy))
# disabling the imputation altogether if there is no missing data
impute_strategy = None
if user_impute_strategy in ('raise', None):
print('Ignoring imputation strategy chosen, as no missing data were found!')
combined_name = uniq_combined_name(method_names)
# checking if there are any duplicates
if len(set(outpath_list)) < len(outpath_list):
raise RuntimeError('Duplicate paths to input dataset found!\n'
'Try distinguish inputs further. Otherwise report this bug '
'@ github.com/raamana/neuropredict/issues/new')
dataset_paths_file = pjoin(out_dir, 'datasetlist.' + combined_name + '.txt')
with open(dataset_paths_file, 'w') as dpf:
print('\nData import is done.\n\n')
return method_names, dataset_paths_file, missing_data_flag, impute_strategy
def make_method_list(fs_subject_dir, user_feature_paths, user_feature_type='dir_of_dirs'):
Returns an organized list of feature paths and methods to read in features.
fs_subject_dir : str
user_feature_paths : list of str
user_feature_type : str
feature_dir : list
method_list : list
freesurfer_readers = [aseg_stats_subcortical, aseg_stats_whole_brain]
userdefined_readers = {'dir_of_dirs': get_dir_of_dirs,
'data_matrix': get_data_matrix,
'pyradigm': get_pyradigm,
'arff': get_arff}
feature_dir = list()
method_list = list()
if not_unspecified(user_feature_paths):
if user_feature_type not in userdefined_readers:
raise NotImplementedError("Invalid feature type or "
"its reader is not implemented yet!")
for upath in user_feature_paths:
if not_unspecified(fs_subject_dir):
for fsrdr in freesurfer_readers:
if len(method_list) != len(feature_dir):
raise ValueError('Invalid specification for features!')
if len(method_list) < 1:
raise ValueError('Atleast one feature set must be specified.')
print("\nRequested features for analysis:")
for mm, method in enumerate(method_list):
print("{} from {}".format(method.__name__, feature_dir[mm]))
return feature_dir, method_list
def prepare_and_run(subjects, classes, out_dir, options_path,
user_feature_paths, user_feature_type, fs_subject_dir,
train_perc, num_rep_cv, positive_class,
sub_group_list, feature_selection_size,
user_impute_strategy, num_procs,
grid_search_level, classifier, feat_select_method):
"Organizes the inputs and prepares them for CV"
feature_dir, method_list = make_method_list(fs_subject_dir, user_feature_paths,
method_names, dataset_paths_file, missing_flag, impute_strategy \
= import_datasets(method_list, out_dir, subjects, classes,
feature_dir, user_feature_type, user_impute_strategy)
print('Requested processing for the following subgroups:'
'\n{}\n'.format('\n'.join([','.join(sg) for sg in sub_group_list])))
# iterating through the given set of subgroups
num_sg = len(sub_group_list)
for sgi, sub_group in enumerate(sub_group_list):
print('{}\nProcessing subgroup : {} ({}/{})'
'\n{}'.format('-'*80, ','.join(sub_group), sgi+1, num_sg, '-'*80))
out_dir_sg = pjoin(out_dir, sub_group_identifier(sub_group, sg_index=sgi+1))
results_file_path = rhst.run(dataset_paths_file, method_names, out_dir_sg,
print('\n\nSaving the visualizations to \n{}'.format(out_dir))
make_visualizations(results_file_path, out_dir_sg, options_path)
[docs]def cli():
Main entry point.
subjects, classes, out_dir, options_path, user_feature_paths, user_feature_type, \
fs_subject_dir, train_perc, num_rep_cv, positive_class, sub_group_list, \
feature_selection_size, impute_strategy, num_procs, \
grid_search_level, classifier, feat_select_method = parse_args()
print('Running neuropredict version {}'.format(__version__))
prepare_and_run(subjects, classes, out_dir, options_path,
user_feature_paths, user_feature_type, fs_subject_dir,
train_perc, num_rep_cv, positive_class,
sub_group_list, feature_selection_size, impute_strategy, num_procs,
grid_search_level, classifier, feat_select_method)
[docs]def run(feature_sets,
Generate comprehensive report on the predictive performance
for different feature sets and statistically compare them.
Main entry point for API access.
feature_sets : list
The input can be specified in either of the following ways:
- list of paths to pyradigm datasets saved on disk
- path to a file containing list of paths
(each line containing path to a valid MLDataset)
- list of MLDatasets that are already loaded
- list of tuples (to specify multiple features),
each element containing (X, y) i.e. data and target labels
- a single tuple containing (X, y) i.e. data and target labels
- list of paths to CSV files, each containing one type of features.
When specifying multiple sets of input features, ensure:
- all of them contain the same number of samples
- each sample belongs to same class across all feature sets.
feature_type : str
String identifying the type of features as described above. It could be:
'list_of_pyradigm_paths', 'pyradigm_list',
'list_of_tuples', 'tuple', 'list_of_csv_paths'
meta_data : multiple
The meta data can be specified in either of the following ways:
- a path to a meta data file (see :doc:`features` page)
- a dict keyed in by sample IDs with values representing their classes.
- None, if meta data is already specified in ``feature_sets`` input
e.g. with pyradigms
pipeline : str or object
If a string, it identifying one of the implemented classifiers
e.g. 'RandomForestClassifier' or 'ExtraTreesClassifier'
If an object, it must be a sciki-learn pipeline describing the sequence of
This is typically a set of feature selections or dim. reduction steps
followed by an estimator (classifier).
See http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/pipeline.html#pipeline for more
Default: None, which leads to the selection of a Random Forest classifier,
with robust scaling, followed by removal of low variance features.
method_names : list
A list of names to denote the different feature sets
out_results_dir : str
Path to output directory to save the cross validation results to.
If not specified, a new directory named 'neuropredict' will be created
in the current directory.
train_perc : float, optional
Percetange of subjects to train the classifier on.
The percentage is applied to the size of the smallest class to estimate
the number of subjects from each class to be reserved for training.
The smallest class is chosen to avoid class-imbalance in the training set.
Default: 0.8 (80%).
positive_class : str
Name of the class to be treated as positive in calculation of AUC
feat_sel_size : str or int
Number of features to select as part of feature selection. Options:
- 'tenth'
- 'sqrt'
- 'log2'
- 'all'
Default: \'tenth\' of the number of samples in the training set. For
example, if your dataset has 90 samples, you chose 50 percent for
training (default), then Y will have 90*.5=45 samples in training
set, leading to 5 features to be selected for taining. If you choose a
fixed integer, ensure all the feature sets under evaluation have
atleast that many features.
num_repetitions : int, optional
Number of repetitions of cross-validation estimation. Default: 200.
num_procs : int, optional
Number of CPUs to use to parallelize CV repetitions.
Default : 4. Number of CPUs will be capped at the number available on the
machine if higher is requested.
sub_groups : list
This option allows the user to study different combinations of classes in
a multi-class (N>2) dataset. For example, in a dataset with 3 classes CN,
FTD and AD, two studies of pair-wise combinations can be studied
separately with the following flag ``--sub_groups CN,FTD CN,AD``. This
allows the user to focus on few interesting subgroups depending on their
Format: Different subgroups must be separated by space, and each sub-group
must be a comma-separated list of class names defined in the meta data
file. Hence it is strongly recommended to use class names without any
spaces, commas, hyphens and special characters, and ideally just
alphanumeric characters separated by underscores. Any number of subgroups
can be specified, but each subgroup must have atleast two distinct classes.
Default: ``'all'``, leading to inclusion of all available classes in a
all-vs-all multi-class setting.
grid_search_level : str
Flag to specify the level of grid search during hyper-parameter
optimization on the training set.
Allowed options are : 'none', 'light' and 'exhaustive', in the order of
how many values/values will be optimized.
More parameters and more values demand more resources and much longer time
for optimization.
The 'light' option tries to use "folk wisdom" to try least number of
values (no more than one or two), for the parameters for the given
classifier e.g. a lage number say 500 trees for a random forest
optimization. The 'light' option will be the fastest and should give a
"rough idea" of predictive performance. The 'exhaustive' option will try
to most parameter values for the most parameters that can be optimized.
results_path : str
Path to pickle file containing full set of CV results.
raise NotImplementedError
if __name__ == '__main__':