Graph kernels (coming soon)

The design of kernelmethods allows for easy implementation to accept any input data types, as that only matters in the definition of the kernel function which are modularized out of the remaining parts of library.

For example, a simple graph kernel can be implemented by measuring the similarity in the degree distributions of two graphs. An example implementation is available at NetworkX.

Let’s say that method is called degree_distr(). Then a simple graph kernel can easily be defined in few lines via:

from kernelmethods.base import KernelFromCallable
from kernelmethods.graphs import degree_distr # Note: NotImplemented
import numpy as np

def degree_distr_similarity(graph_one, graph_two):

    return, degree_distr(graph_two))

graph_kernel = KernelFromCallable(degree_distr_similarity)

Or one could also turn this into a full-fledged DegreeDistrKernel class, while reusing a lot of boilerplate from kernelmethods.base mimicking numerical or categorical kernels already defined.

Once a DegreeDistrKernel is available, we can leverage the full functionality of the kernelmethods to the user domain/application.