Source code for kernelmethods.operations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module implements the common kernel operations such as

 - normalization of a kernel matrix (KM),
 - centering (one- and two-sample cases),
 - evaluating similarity, computing alignment,
 - frobenius norms,
 - linear combinations and
 - checking whether a KM is PSD.



import traceback
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from kernelmethods.config import KMNormError, KernelMethodsException
from kernelmethods.utils import contains_nan_inf, ensure_ndarray_1D
from numpy import multiply as elem_wise_multiply
from scipy.linalg import LinAlgError, eigh

[docs]def is_positive_semidefinite(sym_matrix, tolerance=1e-6, verbose=False): """ Tests whether a given matrix is positive-semidefinite (PSD). A symmetric matrix is PSD if ALL its eigen values >= 0 (non-negative). If any of its eigen values are negative, it is not PSD. This functions accounts for numerical instabilities with a tolerance parameter. This function can also be called with a shorthand ``is_PSD()`` Parameters ---------- sym_matrix : ndarray Matrix to be evaluted for PSDness tolerance : float Tolerance parameter to account for numerical instabilities in the eigen value computations (which can result in negative eigen values very slightly below 0) verbose : bool Flag to indicate whether to print traceback in case of errors during the computation of the eigen values Returns ------- psd : bool Flag indicating whether the matrix is PSD. """ if not isinstance(sym_matrix, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Input matrix must be in numpy array format!') if sym_matrix.shape[0] != sym_matrix.shape[1]: warn('Input matrix is not square, and hence not PSD') return False if not np.isclose(sym_matrix, sym_matrix.T).all(): warn('Input matrix is not symmetric, and hence not PSD') return False try: eig_values = eigh(sym_matrix, eigvals_only=True) except LinAlgError: if verbose: traceback.print_exc() # we are not actually raising LinAlgError, just using it to categorize as # not PSD. So, can't use test cases to try raise LinAlgError, so not # testable! print('LinAlgError raised - eigen value computation failed --> not PSD') psd = False except: if verbose: traceback.print_exc() warn('Unknown exception during eigen value computation --> not PSD') psd = False else: if verbose: print('Smallest eigen values are:\n' '{}'.format(eig_values[:min(10, len(eig_values))])) if any(eig_values < -tolerance): # notice the negative sign before tolerance psd = False else: psd = True return psd
# shorter alias is_PSD = is_positive_semidefinite
[docs]def center_km(KM): """ Centers a given kernel matrix. Implements the definition according to Lemma 1 in Section 2.2 in Cortes, Corinna, Mehryar Mohri, and Afshin Rostamizadeh, 2012, "Algorithms for Learning Kernels Based on Centered Alignment", Journal of Machine Learning Research 13(Mar): 795–828. Parameters ---------- KM : ndarray Symmetric matrix to be centered. Returns ------- centered_km : ndarray Centered kernel matrix """ if isinstance(KM, np.ndarray): if KM.shape[0] == KM.shape[1]: n_rows = KM.shape[0] else: raise ValueError('Input matrix is not square!') else: raise ValueError('Unknown format for input matrix -' 'must be a square numpy ndarray') # directly initializing one_oneT without going through unnecessary matrix # products # vec_1s = np.ones((n_rows, 1)) # row vector of 1s # one_oneT = # 1 dot 1T one_oneT = np.ones((n_rows, n_rows)) Ic = np.eye(n_rows) - (one_oneT / n_rows) return
[docs]def normalize_km(KM, method='cosine'): """ Normalize a kernel matrix to have unit diagonal. Cosine normalization normalizes the kernel matrix to have unit diagonal. Implements definition according to Section 5.1 in book (Page 113) Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini, "Kernels Methods for Pattern Analysis", 2004 Matrix must be square (and coming from a single sample: K(X,X), not K(X,Y) Parameters ---------- KM : ndarray Symmetric matrix to be normalized method : str Method of normalization. Options: ``cosine`` only. Returns ------- normed_km : ndarray Normalized kernel matrix """ if KM.shape[0] != KM.shape[1]: raise ValueError('Input kernel matrix must be square! ' 'i.e. K(X,X) must be generated from ' 'inner products on a single sample X, ' 'not an inner-product on two separate samples X and Y') try: method = method.lower() if method == 'cosine': km_diag = KM.diagonal() if np.isclose(km_diag, 0.0).any(): raise KMNormError( 'Some diagnoal entries in KM are [close to] zero - ' ' this results in infinite or Nan values ' 'during Cosine normalization of KM!') # D = diag(1./sqrt(diag(K))) # normed_K = D * K * D; _1bySqrtDiag = np.diagflat(1 / np.sqrt(km_diag)) # notice @ is matrix multiplication operator normed_km = _1bySqrtDiag @ KM @ _1bySqrtDiag # in case of two samples K(X, Y), the left- and right-most factors # must come from K(X,X) & K(Y,Y) respectively: see normalize_km_2sample else: raise NotImplementedError('normalization method {} is not implemented' 'yet!'.format(method)) except (KMNormError, KernelMethodsException): raise except: warn('Unable to normalize kernel matrix using method {}'.format(method)) raise else: if contains_nan_inf(normed_km): warn('normalization of kernel matrix resulted in Inf / NaN ' 'values - check your parameters and data!') return normed_km
[docs]def normalize_km_2sample(cross_K_XY, diag_K_XX, diag_K_YY, method='cosine'): """ Normalize a kernel matrix K(X,Y) to have unit diagonal. Cosine normalization normalizes the kernel matrix to have unit diagonal. Implements definition _similar_ to Section 5.1 in book (Page 113) Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini, "Kernels Methods for Pattern Analysis", 2004 Parameters ---------- cross_K_XY : ndarray, 2D Matrix of inner-products for samples from X onto Y i.e. K(X,Y) diag_K_XX : array Diagonal from matrix of inner-products for samples from X onto itself i.e. K(X,X) K(X,X) must NOT be normalized (otherwise they will all be 1s) diag_K_YY : array Diagonal from matrix of inner-products for samples from Y onto itself i.e. K(Y,Y) Returns ------- normed_km : ndarray Normalized version of K(X,Y) NOTE: K_XY may NOT have unit diagonal, as k(x,y) != sqrt(k(x,x))*sqrt(k(y,y)) """ if diag_K_XX.size != cross_K_XY.shape[0] or \ cross_K_XY.shape[1] != diag_K_YY.size: raise ValueError('Shape mismatch for multiplication across the 3 kernel ' 'matrices! Length of diag_K_XX must match ' 'number of rows in K_XY, and number of columns in K_XY ' 'must match length of diag_K_XX.') method = method.lower() if method == 'cosine': if np.isclose(diag_K_XX, 0.0).any() or \ np.isclose(diag_K_YY, 0.0).any(): raise KMNormError( 'Some diagnoal entries in one of the KMs are [close to] zero - ' ' this results in infinite or Nan values ' 'during Cosine normalization of KM!') # using diagflat to explicitly construct a matrix from diag values diag_factor_xx = np.diagflat(1 / np.sqrt(diag_K_XX)) diag_factor_yy = np.diagflat(1 / np.sqrt(diag_K_YY)) # notice @ is matrix multiplication operator normed_km = diag_factor_xx @ cross_K_XY @ diag_factor_yy else: raise NotImplementedError('Two-sample normalization method {} is not' 'implemented yet!'.format(method)) return normed_km
[docs]def frobenius_product(A, B): """ Computes the Frobenious product between two matrices of equal dimensions. <A, B>_F is equal to the sum of element-wise products between A and B. .. math:: <\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{B}>_F = \sum_{i, j} \mathbf{A}_{ij} \mathbf{B}_{ij} Parameters ---------- A, B : ndarray Two matrices of equal dimensions to compute the product. Returns ------- product : float Frobenious product """ if A.shape != B.shape: raise ValueError('Dimensions of the two matrices must be the same ' 'to compute Frobenious product! They differ: {}, {}' ''.format(A.shape, B.shape)) return np.sum(elem_wise_multiply(A, B), axis=None)
[docs]def frobenius_norm(A): """Computes the Frobenius norm of a matrix A, which is the square root of the Frobenius product with itself. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray Matrix to compute the norm of Returns ------- norm : float Frobenious norm """ return np.sqrt(frobenius_product(A, A))
[docs]def alignment_centered(km_one, km_two, value_if_zero_division='raise', centered_already=False): """ Computes the centered alignment between two kernel matrices (Alignment is computed on centered kernel matrices) Implements Definition 4 (Kernel matrix alignment) from Section 2.3 in Cortes, Corinna, Mehryar Mohri, and Afshin Rostamizadeh, 2012, "Algorithms for Learning Kernels Based on Centered Alignment", Journal of Machine Learning Research 13(Mar): 795–828. Parameters ---------- km_one, km_two : KernelMatrix value_if_zero_division : str or float determines the value of alignment, in case the norm of one of the two kernel matrices is close to zero and we are unable to compute it. Default is 'raise', requesting to raise an exception. One could also choose 0.0, which assigns lowest alignment, effectively discarding it for ranking purposes. centered_already : bool Flag to indicate whether the input kernel matrices are centered already or not. If False, input KMs will be centered. Returns ------- centered_alignment : float Value of centered_alignment between the two kernel matrices """ if km_one.shape != km_two.shape: raise ValueError('Dimensions of the two matrices must be the same ' 'to compute their alignment! They differ: {}, {}' ''.format(km_one.shape, km_two.shape)) if not isinstance(km_one, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(km_two, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Input KMs must be numpy arrays') if not centered_already: kC_one = center_km(km_one) kC_two = center_km(km_two) else: kC_one = km_one kC_two = km_two fnorm_one = frobenius_norm(kC_one) fnorm_two = frobenius_norm(kC_two) if np.isclose(fnorm_one, 0.0) or np.isclose(fnorm_two, 0.0): if value_if_zero_division in ('raise', Exception): raise ValueError('The Frobenius norm of KM1 or KM2 is 0. ' 'Can not compute alignment!') else: warn('The Frobenius norm of KM1 or KM2 is 0. Setting value of ' 'alignment as {} as requested'.format( value_if_zero_division)) return value_if_zero_division return frobenius_product(kC_one, kC_two) / (fnorm_one * fnorm_two)
[docs]def eval_similarity(km_one, km_two): """Evaluate similarity between two kernel matrices""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def linear_combination(km_set, weights): """ Weighted linear combinations of a set of given kernel matrices Parameters ---------- km_set : KernelSet Collection of compatible kernel matrices weights : Iterable Set of weights for the kernel matrices in km_set Returns ------- lin_comb_KM : ndarray Final result of weighted linear combination of the kernel matrix set """ if km_set.size == len(weights): weights = ensure_ndarray_1D(weights) else: raise ValueError('Number of weights ({}) supplied differ ' 'from the kernel set size ({})' ''.format(km_set.size, len(weights))) # TODO should we not ensure weights sum to 1.0? # Computes the weighted average kernel # km_set.num_samples is a tuple (N, M) when operating on two samples # e.g. train x test KM = np.zeros(km_set.num_samples) for weight, km in zip(weights, km_set): KM = KM + weight * km.full return KM