Command line interface ----------------------- The command line interface for graynet (preferred interface, given its target is HPC) is shown below. Check the bottom of this page for examples. .. argparse:: :ref: graynet.run_workflow.get_parser :prog: graynet :nodefault: :nodefaultconst: Simple example --------------- A rough example of usage can be: .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash #$ -l mf=2G -q queue_name.q -wd /work/project cd /work/project graynet -s subject_ids.txt -f freesurfer_thickness -i /work/project/freesurfer_reconall \ -w manhattan eucledian chebyshev -a GLASSER2016 -p 10 -o /work/project/graynet_processing Note you can specify mulitple weight metrics to save on I/O activity and walltime on HPC.