Source code for graynet.parcellate

Module with handling the parcellation of different cortical atlases.


import os
import os.path
from os.path import isdir
from pathlib import Path

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np

from graynet import config_graynet as cfg
from graynet.utils import check_atlas, check_atlas_annot_exist, roi_info

[docs]def get_atlas_path(atlas_name=None): """Validates the atlas name and returns its location""" if atlas_name in [None, 'None', '']: atlas_name = 'fsaverage' atlas_name, _ = check_atlas(atlas_name) if atlas_name in cfg.atlas_list: this_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent if atlas_name in ['glasser2016']: atlas_path = this_dir / 'atlases' / 'glasser2016' / \ 'fsaverage_annot_figshare3498446' elif atlas_name in ['fsaverage', 'yeo2011_fsaverage5', 'yeo2011_fsaverage6', 'yeo2011_fsaverage_highres']: atlas_path = this_dir / 'atlases' / atlas_name elif atlas_name in ['cat_aal', 'cat_lpba40', 'cat_ibsr']: # TODO inconsistency: this returns a path to a FILE, # whereas cortical atlases are referred to by their FS folders atlas_path = this_dir / 'atlases' / atlas_name / 'atlas.nii' else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Atlas {} is not implemented / unreadable.'.format(atlas_name)) # cortical atlas in Freesurfer org elif os.path.isdir(atlas_name) and check_atlas_annot_exist(atlas_name): dir_path_atlas = Path(atlas_name).resolve() atlas_path = dir_path_atlas.parent atlas_name = else: raise NotImplementedError('Invalid choice for atlas!') return atlas_path.resolve(), atlas_name
[docs]def get_atlas_annot(atlas_name=None): """High level wrapper to get all the info just by using a name.""" atlas_path, atlas_name = get_atlas_path(atlas_name) annot = read_atlas_annot(atlas_path) return annot, atlas_path
[docs]def freesurfer_roi_labels(atlas_name, node_size=None): """ Returns just the vertex-wise indices for grouping the vertices into ROIs. Order: left followed by right. """ annot, _ = get_atlas_annot(atlas_name) roi_labels = __combine_annotations(annot, atlas_name) if node_size is not None: patch_index = load_subdivision_patchwise(atlas_name, node_size).ravel() numbered = list() for rl, pi in zip(roi_labels, patch_index): if rl == cfg.null_roi_name or np.isnan(pi): numbered.append(cfg.null_roi_name) # as there is no subdivision in a Null ROI else: numbered.append('{}_p{}'.format(rl, int(pi))) # results --> 'lh_precuneus_p9' indicating patch 9 of left precuneus # except when the ROI was labelled cfg.null_roi_name / 'null_roi_ignore' roi_labels = np.array(numbered) return roi_labels, annot
def __combine_annotations(annot, atlas_name): """Combines named labels from two hemispheres, ignoring non-cortex""" max_len = 1 + max(max(map(len, annot['lh']['names'] + annot['rh']['names'])), len(cfg.null_roi_name)) str_dtype = np.dtype('U{}'.format(max_len)) named_labels = dict() for hemi in ['lh', 'rh']: named_labels[hemi] = np.empty(annot[hemi]['labels'].shape, str_dtype) uniq_labels = np.unique(annot[hemi]['labels']) for label in uniq_labels: if not ( (label == cfg.null_roi_index) or (label in cfg.ignore_roi_labels[atlas_name])): # to be ignored idx_roi = np.nonzero(annot[hemi]['ctab'][:, 4] == label)[0][0] mask_label = annot[hemi]['labels'] == label named_labels[hemi][mask_label] = \ '{}_{}'.format(hemi, annot[hemi]['names'][idx_roi]) # setting the non-accessed vertices (part of non-cortex) # to a specific label to ignore later null_mask = named_labels[hemi] == '' named_labels[hemi][null_mask] = cfg.null_roi_name # wb stands for whole brain wb_named_labels = np.hstack((named_labels['lh'], named_labels['rh'])) for ignore_label in cfg.ignore_roi_names[atlas_name]: wb_named_labels[wb_named_labels == ignore_label] = cfg.null_roi_name # # original implementation for glasser2016, # # with labels in different hemi coded differently # roi_labels = np.hstack((annot['lh']['labels'], annot['rh']['labels'])) return wb_named_labels
[docs]def read_atlas_annot(atlas_dir, hemi_list=None): """ Returns atlas annotations """ if hemi_list is None: hemi_list = ['lh', 'rh'] annot = dict() for hemi in hemi_list: annot[hemi] = dict() annot_path = atlas_dir / 'label' / '{}.aparc.annot'.format(hemi) annot[hemi]['labels'], annot[hemi]['ctab'], \ annot[hemi]['names'] =, orig_ids=True) # ensuring names are plainstring if isinstance(annot[hemi]['names'][0], np.bytes_): annot[hemi]['names'] = \ [bytestr.decode('UTF-8') for bytestr in annot[hemi]['names']] return annot
[docs]def read_freesurfer_atlas(atlas_spec, hemi_list=None): """ Script to read the pre-computed parcellations for fsaverage and HCP-MMP-1.0 """ if hemi_list is None: hemi_list = ['lh', 'rh'] if isdir(atlas_spec): atlas_dir = Path(atlas_spec).resolve() else: atlas_dir, atlas_name = get_atlas_path(atlas_spec) coords, faces, info = dict(), dict(), dict() for hemi in hemi_list: hemi_path = os.path.join(atlas_dir, 'surf', '{}.orig'.format(hemi)) coords[hemi], faces[hemi], info[hemi] = \, read_metadata=True) num_vertices_left_hemi = coords['lh'].shape[0] coords['whole'] = np.vstack((coords['lh'], coords['rh'])) faces['whole'] = np.vstack((faces['lh'], faces['rh'] + num_vertices_left_hemi)) # labels, ctab, names =,'lh.HCP-MMP1.annot')) annot = read_atlas_annot(atlas_dir, hemi_list) return coords, faces, annot
[docs]def roi_labels_centroids(atlas_name, node_size=None): """Returns a list of ROI centroids, for use in visualizations (nodes on a network)""" atlas_dir, atlas_name = get_atlas_path(atlas_name) coords, faces, annot = read_freesurfer_atlas(atlas_dir) vertex_labels, ctx_annot = freesurfer_roi_labels(atlas_name, node_size) uniq_rois, roi_size, num_nodes = roi_info(vertex_labels) centroids = dict() for roi in uniq_rois: this_roi_vertices = coords['whole'][vertex_labels == roi, :] centroids[roi] = np.median(this_roi_vertices, axis=0) return uniq_rois, centroids, vertex_labels
[docs]def subdivide_cortex(atlas_dir, hemi_list=None): """Subdivides the given cortical parcellation (each label into smaller patches)""" raise NotImplementedError('This function has not been implemented yet.')
# # noinspection PyUnreachableCode # if hemi_list is None: # hemi_list = ['lh', 'rh'] # # coords, faces, annot = read_freesurfer_atlas(atlas_dir) # # labels_to_remove = ['corpuscallosum', 'unknown'] # null_label = 0 # # def ismember(A, B): # B_unique_sorted, B_idx = np.unique(B, return_index=True) # B_in_A_bool = np.in1d(B_unique_sorted, A, assume_unique=True) # # cortex_label = dict() # for hemi in hemi_list: # cortex_label_path = atlas_dir / 'label' / '{}.cortex.label'.format(hemi) # cortex_label[hemi] = # # # # cortex_label[hemi] is an index into annot[hemi]['labels'] # # mask_for_cortex = np.in1d(annot[hemi]['labels'], cortex_label, # assume_unique=True)
[docs]def load_subdivision_patchwise(atlas_name, min_vtx_per_patch=100): """ Loads a precomputed subdivision of the cortex Originally generated in Matlab based on k-means clustering (Raamana PhD thesis); adaptive subdivision ensuring a specified minimum number of vertices per patch more details --> graynet/scripts/ """ atlas_name = atlas_name.lower() if atlas_name not in ('fsaverage',): raise ValueError('Only fsaverage is supported at the moment!') if min_vtx_per_patch not in cfg.allowed_mvpp: raise ValueError('Invalid min_vtx_per_patch. Choose one of {}' ''.format(cfg.allowed_mvpp)) this_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent parc_dir = this_dir / 'resources' / 'CorticalSubdivisionIntoPatches' / atlas_name file_name = lambda mvp: 'CortexSubdivision_Kmeans_' \ 'MinVertexCountPerPartition{}.npy' \ ''.format(mvp) parc = np.load((parc_dir / file_name(min_vtx_per_patch))) return parc