Source code for pyradigm.multiple

import random
from warnings import warn
from import Iterable
from collections import Counter
from copy import copy
from operator import itemgetter
from sys import version_info
from abc import abstractmethod
import numpy as np

if version_info.major > 2:
    from pyradigm.base import BaseDataset, CompatibilityException
    from pyradigm import MLDataset, ClassificationDataset as ClfDataset, \
        RegressionDataset as RegrDataset
    raise NotImplementedError('pyradigm supports only python 3 or higher! '
                              'Upgrade to Python 3+ is recommended.')

class BaseMultiDataset(object):
    Container data structure to hold and manage multiple MLDataset instances.

    Key uses:
        - Uniform processing individual MLDatasets e.g. querying same set of IDs
        - ensuring correspondence across multiple datasets in CV


    def __init__(self,

        dataset_spec : Iterable or None
            List of MLDatasets, or absolute paths to serialized MLDatasets.


        if issubclass(dataset_class, BaseDataset):
            self._dataset_class = dataset_class
            raise TypeError('Input class type is not recognized!'
                            ' Must be a child class of pyradigm.BaseDataset') = name
        self._list = list()
        self._is_init = False

        # number of modalities for each sample id
        self.modality_count = 0

        self._ids = set()
        self.targets = dict()
        self._modalities = dict()
        self._labels = dict()

        self.feature_names = dict()
        self.num_features = list()

        # TODO more efficient internal repr is possible as ids/classes do not need be
        # stored redundantly for each dataset
        # perhaps as different attributes/modalities/feat-sets (of .data) for example?

        if dataset_spec is not None:
            if not isinstance(dataset_spec, Iterable) or len(dataset_spec) < 1:
                raise ValueError('Input must be a list of atleast two datasets.')


    def _load(self, dataset_spec):
        """Actual loading of datasets"""

        for idx, ds in enumerate(dataset_spec):
            self.append(ds, idx)

    def _get_id(self):
        """Returns an ID for a new dataset that's different from existing ones."""

        self.modality_count += 1

        return self.modality_count

    def append(self, dataset, identifier):
        Adds a dataset, if compatible with the existing ones.

        dataset : pyradigm dataset or compatible

        identifier : hashable
            String or integer or another hashable to uniquely identify this dataset

        if isinstance(dataset, str):
            dataset = self._dataset_class(dataset_path=dataset)

        if not isinstance(dataset, self._dataset_class):
            raise CompatibilityException('Incompatible dataset. '
                                         'You can only add instances of '
                                         'type {}'.format(self._dataset_class))

        if len(dataset.description)>0:
            identifier = dataset.description

        if not self._is_init:
            self._ids = set(dataset.samplet_ids)
            self.targets = dataset.targets
            self._target_sizes = dataset.target_sizes

            self.num_samplets = len(self._ids)
            self._modalities[identifier] =
            self.feature_names[identifier] = dataset.feature_names

            # maintaining a no-data pyradigm Dataset internally to reuse its methods
            self._dataset = copy(dataset)
            # replacing its data with zeros
   = {id_: np.zeros(1) for id_ in self._ids}

            if hasattr(dataset, 'attr'):
                self._common_attr = dataset.attr
                self._common_attr_dtype = dataset.attr_dtype
                self._common_attr = dict()
                self._common_attr_dtype = dict()

            self._attr = dict()

            self._is_init = True
            # this also checks for the size (num_samplets)
            if set(dataset.samplet_ids) != self._ids:
                raise CompatibilityException(
                        'Differing set of IDs in two datasets.'
                        ' Unable to add this dataset to the MultiDataset.')

            if dataset.targets != self.targets:
                raise CompatibilityException(
                        'Targets for some IDs differ in the two datasets.'
                        ' Unable to add this dataset to the MultiDataset.')

            if identifier not in self._modalities:
                self._modalities[identifier] =
                self.feature_names[identifier] = dataset.feature_names
                raise KeyError('{} already exists in MultiDataset'

            if hasattr(dataset, 'attr'):
                if len(self._common_attr) < 1:
                    # no attributes were set at all - simple copy sufficient
                    self._common_attr = dataset.attr.copy()
                    self._common_attr_dtype = dataset.attr_dtype.copy()
                    for a_name in dataset.attr:
                        if a_name not in self._common_attr:
                            self._common_attr[a_name] = dataset.attr[a_name]
                            self._common_attr_dtype[a_name] = \
                        elif self._common_attr[a_name] != dataset.attr[a_name]:
                            raise ValueError(
                                    'Values and/or IDs differ for attribute {}. '
                                    'Ensure all datasets have common attributes '
                                    'with the same values'.format(a_name))

        # each addition should be counted, if successful
        self.modality_count += 1

    def samplet_ids(self):
        """List of samplet IDs in the multi-dataset"""
        return list(self._ids)

    def modality_ids(self):
        """List of identifiers for all modalities/datasets, sorted for reproducibility."""
        return sorted(list(self._modalities.keys()))

    def __str__(self):
        """human readable repr"""

    def _common_str(self):
        """basic str() with common elements"""

        return "{}:\n\t{} samples, {} modalities, dims: {}" \
               "\n\tIdentifiers: {}" \
               "\n\tAttributes: {}" \
               "".format(, self.num_samplets, self.modality_count,
                         ', '.join([str(k) for k in self.modality_ids]),
                         ', '.join([str(k) for k in self._common_attr.keys()]))

    def holdout(self,
        Builds a generator for train and test sets for cross-validation.

    def _get_data(self, id_list, format='MLDataset'):
        """Returns the data, from all modalities, for a given list of IDs"""

        format = format.lower()

        features = list()  # returning a dict would be better if AutoMKL() can handle it
        for modality, data in self._modalities.items():
            if format in ('ndarray', 'data_matrix'):
                # turning dict of arrays into a data matrix
                # this is arguably worse, as labels are difficult to pass
                subset = np.array(itemgetter(*id_list)(data))
            elif format in ('mldataset', 'pyradigm'):
                # getting container with fake data
                subset = self._dataset.get_subset(id_list)
                # injecting actual features
       = { id_: data[id_] for id_ in id_list }
                raise ValueError('Invalid output format - choose only one of '
                                 'pyradigm or data_matrix')


        return features

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterable mechanism"""

        for modality, data in self._modalities.items():
                yield modality, np.array([np.array(item) for item in data.values()])

    def get_subsets(self, subset_list):
        Returns the requested subsets of data while iterating over modalities

        if subset_list were to contain two sets of IDs e.g. (train, test)

        return data would be this tuple:
            (modality, (train_data, train_targets), (test_data, test_targets))


        for modality, data in self._modalities.items():
            yield modality, ( (np.array(itemgetter(*subset)(data)),
                              for subset in subset_list )

    def common_attr(self):
        """Attributes common to all subjects/datasets, such as covariates, in this

        return self._common_attr

    def get_common_attr(self, names, subset, not_found_value=None):
        """Helper to retrieve the requested attributes common to all datasets."""

        data, dtypes = list(), list()
        for name in names:
            if name not in self._common_attr:
                raise AttributeError('Attr {} not set for this MultiDataset'

            this_data = np.array([self._common_attr[name].get(sid, not_found_value)
                                  for sid in subset],


        return data, dtypes

    def set_attr(self, ds_id, attr_name, attr_value):
        """Method to set modality-/dataset-specific attributes"""

        if ds_id not in self._modalities:
            raise KeyError('Dataset {} not in this {} multi_dataset'
                           ''.format(ds_id, self._name))

        if ds_id not in self._attr:
            self._attr[ds_id] = dict()

        self._attr[ds_id][attr_name] = attr_value

    def get_attr(self, ds_id, attr_name, not_found_value='raise'):
        """Method to retrieve modality-/dataset-specific attributes"""

        if ds_id not in self._modalities:
            raise KeyError('Dataset {} not in this {} multi_dataset'
                           ''.format(ds_id, self._name))

            return self._attr[ds_id][attr_name]
        except KeyError:
            msg = 'attribute {} not set for dataset {}'.format(attr_name, ds_id)
            if not_found_value.lower() in ('raise', ):
                raise KeyError(msg)
                return not_found_value

[docs]class MultiDatasetClassify(BaseMultiDataset): """Container class to manage multimodal classification datasets.""" def __init__(self, dataset_spec=None, name='MultiDatasetClassify', subgroup=None): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- dataset_spec : Iterable or None List of pyradigms, or absolute paths to serialized pyradigm Datasets. name : str human readable name for printing purposes """ self._sub_groups = subgroup if subgroup is None: super().__init__(dataset_class=ClfDataset, dataset_spec=dataset_spec, name=name) else: super().__init__(dataset_class=ClfDataset, dataset_spec=None, name=name) for idx, ds in enumerate(dataset_spec): self.append_subgroup(ds, idx, subgroup)
[docs] def append_subgroup(self, dataset, identifier, subgroup): """Custom add method""" if isinstance(dataset, str): dataset = self._dataset_class(dataset_path=dataset) target_set = set(dataset.target_set) subgroup = set(subgroup) if subgroup is None or subgroup == target_set: ds_out = dataset elif subgroup < target_set: # < on sets is an issubset operation subgroup = sorted(list(subgroup)) # ensure reproducibility new_id = '{}({}) {}'.format(dataset.description, ','.join(subgroup), identifier) ds_out = dataset.get_class(subgroup) # overriding the "Subset derived from ... " ds_out.description = new_id else: raise ValueError('One or more classes in {} do not exist in\n{}' ''.format(subgroup, dataset.description)) self.append(ds_out, identifier=identifier)
@property def target_set(self): """Set of targets/classes in this multi-dataset""" return set(self.targets.values()) @property def target_sizes(self): """ Sizes of targets in this classification dataset. Useful for summary and to compute chance accuracy. """ return Counter(self.targets.values()) def __str__(self): """human readable repr""" string = "{}\n\tClasses n={}, sizes " \ "".format(self._common_str(), len(self._target_sizes)) string += ', '.join(['{}: {}'.format(c, n) for c, n in self._target_sizes.items()]) return string def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __format__(self, format_spec): return self.__str__()
[docs] def holdout(self, train_perc=0.7, num_rep=50, stratified=True, return_ids_only=False, format='MLDataset'): """ Builds a holdout generator for train and test sets for cross-validation. Ensures all the classes are represented equally in the training set. Parameters ---------- train_perc : float Percentage (0, 1) of samplets from each class to be selected for the training set. Remaining IDs from each class will be added to test set. num_rep : int Number of holdout repetitions return_ids_only : bool Whether to return samplet IDs only, or the corresponding Datasets format : str Format of the Dataset to be returned when return_ids_only=False format='MLDataset' returns the full-blown pyradigm data structure, and format='data_matrix' returns just the feature matrix X in ndarray format Returns ------- train, test : tuple A tuple (in order train, test) of IDs or Datasets Raises ------ ValueError If train_perc is < 0 or > 1 If num_rep is not int, or < 1 or infinite """ if train_perc <= 0.0 or train_perc >= 1.0: raise ValueError('Train percentage must be > 0.0 and < 1.0') num_rep = int(num_rep) if not np.isfinite(num_rep) or num_rep < 1: raise ValueError('Number of repetitions must be > 1 and be finite.') ids_in_class = {cid: self._dataset.sample_ids_in_class(cid) for cid in self._target_sizes.keys()} sizes_numeric = np.array([len(ids_in_class[cid]) for cid in ids_in_class.keys()]) size_per_class, total_test_count = compute_training_sizes( train_perc, sizes_numeric, stratified=stratified) if len(self._target_sizes) != len(size_per_class): raise ValueError('size spec differs in num elements with class sizes!') for rep in range(num_rep): print('rep {}'.format(rep)) train_set = list() for index, (cls_id, class_size) in enumerate(self._target_sizes.items()): # shuffling the IDs each time random.shuffle(ids_in_class[cls_id]) subset_size = max(0, min(class_size, size_per_class[index])) if subset_size < 1 or class_size < 1: warn('No subjects from class {} were selected.' ''.format(cls_id)) else: subsets_this_class = ids_in_class[cls_id][0:size_per_class[index]] train_set.extend(subsets_this_class) # this ensures both are mutually exclusive! test_set = list(self._ids - set(train_set)) if return_ids_only: # when only IDs are required, without associated features # returning tuples to prevent accidental changes yield tuple(train_set), tuple(test_set) else: yield self._get_data(train_set, format), \ self._get_data(test_set, format)
[docs]class MultiDatasetRegress(BaseMultiDataset): """Container class to manage multimodal regression datasets.""" def __init__(self, dataset_spec=None, name='MultiDatasetRegress'): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- dataset_spec : Iterable or None List of pyradigms, or absolute paths to serialized pyradigm Datasets. name : str human readable name for printing purposes """ super().__init__(dataset_class=RegrDataset, dataset_spec=dataset_spec, name=name) def __str__(self): """human readable repr""" return self._common_str() def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __format__(self, format_spec): return self.__str__()
[docs] def holdout(self, train_perc=0.7, num_rep=50, return_ids_only=False, format='MLDataset'): """ Builds a holdout generator for train and test sets for cross-validation. Parameters ---------- train_perc : float Percentage (0, 1) of samplets to be selected for the training set. Remaining will be added to the test set. num_rep : int Number of holdout repetitions return_ids_only : bool Whether to return samplet IDs only, or the corresponding Datasets format : str Format of the Dataset to be returned when return_ids_only=False format='MLDataset' returns the full-blown pyradigm data structure, and format='data_matrix' returns just the feature matrix X in ndarray format Returns ------- train, test : tuple A tuple (in order train, test) of IDs or Datasets Raises ------ ValueError If train_perc is < 0 or > 1 If num_rep is not int, or < 1 or infinite """ if train_perc <= 0.0 or train_perc >= 1.0: raise ValueError('Train perc must be > 0.0 and < 1.0') num_rep = int(num_rep) if not np.isfinite(num_rep) or num_rep < 1: raise ValueError('Number of repetitions must be > 1 and be finite.') subset_size = np.int64(np.floor(self.num_samplets * train_perc)) # clipping the range to [1, n] subset_size = max(1, min(self.num_samplets, subset_size)) # making it indexible with a local copy id_list = list(self._ids) for rep in range(num_rep): random.shuffle(id_list) train_set = id_list[:subset_size] # this ensures both are mutually exclusive! test_set = list(self._ids - set(train_set)) if return_ids_only: # when only IDs are required, without associated features # returning tuples to prevent accidental changes yield tuple(train_set), tuple(test_set) else: yield self._get_data(train_set, format), \ self._get_data(test_set, format)
def compute_training_sizes(train_perc, target_sizes, stratified=True): """Computes the maximum training size that the smallest class can provide """ size_per_class = np.int64(np.around(train_perc * target_sizes)) if stratified: print("Different classes in training set are stratified to match smallest class!") # per-class size_per_class = np.minimum(np.min(size_per_class), size_per_class) # single number reduced_sizes = np.unique(size_per_class) if len(reduced_sizes) != 1: # they must all be the same raise ValueError("Error in stratification of training set based on " "smallest class!") total_test_samples = np.int64(np.sum(target_sizes) - sum(size_per_class)) return size_per_class, total_test_samples